The Tennessee School Boards Association (TSBA) hosted the East Fall District Meeting on September 27 at Lenoir City High School in the Lenoir City School District. “TSBA Fall District Meetings gives our staff the opportunity to connect with school board members from every part of the state so that we not only hear their concerns but also provide them with the support they need to help them make the best decisions for the children and schools in their communities,” said TSBA Executive Director Tammy Grissom. Members of local boards of education and superintendents from the region participated in a survey where they expressed their positions on issues such as charter authorized fees, BEP funding formula including a component for RTI2, using funds without seeking the approval of the local funding body and allowing board members to electronically participate in board meetings more than two times per year. The Tennessee Department of Education Leadership Team shared requirements, opportunities and timeline for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Plan. District leaders also shared their success stories detailing the implementation of innovative programs.
At this meeting, area school volunteers are honored. Each year TSBA honors one school volunteer from each of its nine districts who have distinguished themselves by demonstrating exceptional commitment to volunteerism in a local school district. The district winner has exhibited exemplary leadership, creativity, cooperation and hard work in their service to a school. One of those nine volunteers will win the statewide School Volunteer Recognition Award to be presented at the TSBA Annual Convention in November, which will include a $1,000 grant to the school of their choice. The 2016 East Volunteer Recognition Award winner is Julie Dallas of Oak Ridge, TN.
Julie has been a regular volunteer at Woodland Elementary School for many years. She has worked with countless students over the years in multiple classrooms. Julie listens to students read, helps students with work-study activities, and has been an encouraging friend to many students and adults at Woodland. Ms. Dallas organized gingerbread house construction for the past eight years, provided countless snacks, water bottles and organized an array of classroom celebrations. Principal Nancy West adds that Julie is “an advocate for not only her own children, but all children at Woodland. Julie has been faithful to help in the classroom and tackle any project asked of her with grace and optimism.” As a side note, Ms. West mentioned that Ms. Dallas makes delicious cookies.
Several East District school board members earned TSBA Boardsmanship Awards in 2016. The awards are presented to individual board members who have achieved one of five levels of boardsmanship standards over the past year. The program is designed to recognize school board members for participation in board activities beyond the local level through a commitment to training, willingness to participate in workshops and a volunteer spirit. The Boardsmanship Award honors not only the quantity, but also the quality of participation. Congratulations are in order for Oak Ridge School Board member, Laura McLean, who is a recipient of the Level I award this year.
For Additional Information about TSBA, Contact: Lindsay Allen, Communications Consultant Phone: 615-815-3907 E-mail: