Oak Ridge High School2024-11-26T14:52:12-05:00

Every student prepared for college, career, and life success

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Welcome to Oak Ridge High School

Wildcat iNews 2.24.2025

We hope everyone will make plans to attend the Masquer's Spring Production, The Addam's Family, this coming weekend. In addition, our basketball teams could be hosting the Region tournament. In addition to the fun activities, it is time to register for 2025-26 classes. Your teen should have a PURPLE paper to select classes to review with you and obtain a parent signature. The timeline and link to the Academic Planning Guide is first up in the iNews. It is a busy and exciting time at ORHS

Wildcat iNews 2/18/2025

The iNews is BACK! After a brief absence, we hope to catch up everyone with all the news, celebrations and creativity of our amazing students. With winter weather in the forecast, please review the winter weather procedures located at the bottom of the iNews. Stay safe and warm this week.

Wildcat iNews 02/03/2025

AP payments have gone digital! The Spring AP payment window will open on February 1st and close March 1st at 11:59pm for all students enrolled in an AP course. This year all AP exams are $101 each except for AP Seminar and Research exams which are $149 each.

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Located in Oak Ridge, TN, our mission is to provide an adaptive and challenging learning environment and instruction that prepares each student for excellence in education and the workplace, while cultivating integrity, responsibility and a sustained passion for continued learning.


“I moved back to Oak Ridge years ago for the school system. It may be the single best thing I did as a parent. The opportunities available to the students are unparalleled in public education in this area.”

Mike P

Very clean, very well administered. Top notch school, and listed very highly in the state.

Luke W.

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