Oak Ridge Schools Registration
Welcome to the Oak Ridge Schools! Oak Ridge is known for its academic achievements and the quality of its educational system. It has always been a discriminator in where families choose to live as we aggressively pursue academic excellence and offer all we can to ensure a positive future for today’s students. We are also committed to our Portrait of an Oak Ridge Schools’ Graduate that is focused on preparing every student for college, career and life success. Thank you for choosing to be a part of the award-winning Oak Ridge Schools!
New Student Registration
All students new to Oak Ridge Schools will need to register online by following the steps outlined below.
If you are new to Oak Ridge Schools, you will need to Create an Account in our system in order to begin registration. Request an account by clicking here. If you already have a child in Oak Ridge Schools, you will need to log on to your Skyward Family Access Account. You may also log in to your Skyward Family Access Account via Clever. Once logged in, “New Student Online Enrollment” will be the first item in the menu bar on the left-hand side. View a screenshot here.
If you would like self-guided help with registration, you can view our “How To” Video (Spanish Version) or written instructions (Spanish Version) to walk you through the registration process. If you are still having difficulty, contact the front office at the school you are registering at. If you are not sure what school you are zoned for, please enter your address here.
As part of the online registration process, parents/guardians will be asked to upload images of the following documents:
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Form
- Parent Photo ID
- Two forms of Proof of Residency
For more information on acceptable forms of documentation, please visit the bottom of this page.
If you do not have access to a computer or smart device with internet access, kiosks will be available in the lobby of each school to facilitate the online registration process. Please contact your zoned school to schedule a time to register by kiosk.
Kindergarten Registration
All information regarding Kindergarten Registration, including the link to the registration form, can be found on the Kindergarten Page.
Registration Documents
During the registration process, a number of documents will be required. Descriptions of those documents can be found below.
Proof of Residency in Oak Ridge, TN – current housing lease/deed/mortgage statement, current electric bill at your provided address, and a government-issued ID that matches this address. All provided documents must be in the name of the parent/legal guardian. If you are unable to provide these documents for any reason, please contact Dr. Larrissa Henderson in Pupil Services at 865-425-9026.
Custody/guardianship papers – if applicable. These documents must be provided in the instance of divorce, legal separation, change of guardianship from parents to another party, etc.
State of Tennessee Immunization Form – provided by the Anderson County Health department or a physician. If your student is transferring from another TN school, we can request these records from their previously attended school, if available. Any student transferring to Oak Ridge Schools from out of state must have the immunizations on the Tennessee form. Pupil Services can transfer the immunizations when provided the appropriate paperwork. To begin the immunization process from out of state, email Dr. Larrissa Henderson – LHenderson@ortn.edu.
Proof of Physical – if transferring to Oak Ridge Schools from out of state, you must provide us with proof of a physical exam within (30) days of enrollment. A physical exam done on/after January 1 of the current school year is acceptable. The physical exam must be notated on the Tennessee Immunization form.
Evidence of student’s date of birth – such as birth certificate. Hospital certificates or mother’s copies will not be accepted. This can be requested from a previous school if you are unable to provide it at the time of your appointment with us.
School Records – a digital form will be included as part of your online registration process where you will be required to provide contact information for the most recent school attended by the student.