Oak Ridge Schools Preschool new principal, Lisa Downard applied and was selected to participate in the New Director Mentee Initiative program implemented by the National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations. Ms. Downard will travel to UCLA during fall break for the institute, all expenses paid. Lisa will be paired with a seasoned Head Start Director who will serve as a mentor, and they will work together all year.
Here is an excerpt from her invitation:
The New Director Mentor Initiative (NDMI) implemented by the National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations (PMFO) in partnership with UCLA Anderson School of Management is an opportunity for experienced Head Start and Early Head Start directors to be matched with new directors in a yearlong mentoring experience. The Administration for Children and Families and PMFO recognize the need to expand this initiative given the growing number of new directors that have recently stepped into Head Start Director positions and the understanding that learning happens best when there are opportunities to plan, reflect, practice and receive guidance from a knowledgeable expert.