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Hawk Bots Challenge Team

The Woodland Hawk Bots Lego League Challenge Team have had an amazing 2022-23 season this year! We began in August with learning about this year’s Mission, “Super Powered,” with a focus on providing energy. Our Hawk Bots researched energy and came up with an innovative solution to producing energy – creating a household unit that […]

2023-02-25T19:01:41-05:00February 25th, 2023|District News, School News|

Thank You, PTO!

Our Woodland Staff would like to thank the PTO for the most amazing week before break. We are so fortunate to have a PTO that goes above and beyond to make us feel appreciated and loved throughout the year! Our PTO and some local sponsors had wonderful surprises for us each day this past week.

The […]

2022-12-18T11:27:06-05:00December 18th, 2022|School News|

Midevil Day in 4th Grade

Hear ye, hear ye! Fourth Graders got to experience a little taste of life during the Middle Ages while studying ‘The Whipping Boy.’ There were catapults, stained glass crafts, bread pudding conversions, and a feast fit for a king!


2022-11-23T18:15:01-05:00November 23rd, 2022|School News, Uncategorized|

First Grade Election ’22

The first 2 weeks of November our First Graders participated in our Election unit. We read books with 3 different candidates: Duck, Grace, and Otto. Students were encouraged to discuss the character traits of each candidate and consider who would make the best president.

Duck for President Book Cover  […]

2022-11-20T15:40:49-05:00November 20th, 2022|School News, Uncategorized|

Book Fair

Book Fair starts next week! Nov. 14-18 your child will visit during Library class. You can also visit the Book Fair with your child at STEM Night on Thursday, November 17th. The Book Fair will open at 5:00 (STEM Night starts at 5:30) and will stay open during STEM Night until 7:30.

Flyers with pricing were […]

2022-11-09T18:24:08-05:00November 9th, 2022|School News|

3rd and 2nd Grade Programs

Woodland is very excited to be back to having in-person grade level performances this year! Throughout the year each grade level will have the opportunity to perform for our school and our families. In September, our 3rd grade classes started us out with the Festival of Nations. You can watch a video of the performance […]

2022-11-05T21:10:43-04:00November 5th, 2022|School News|

Tuition Application Deadline

Due to the increase of in-zone student enrollment, effective August 26th,  no tuition applications will be taken. Beginning in the 2022-23 school year, tuition applications will not be taken after May 20th. 

If you have any questions, please contact Pupil Services at 865-425-9009 or Dr. Larrissa Henderson at 865-425-9024.

2022-08-23T19:08:32-04:00August 23rd, 2022|District News, School News|
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