Our first graders have been working hard to learn all there is to know about elections. We started our unit off by introducing our 3 candidates through books, “Duck for President,” “Grace for President,” and “Otto Runs for President.” We spent a lot of time discussing what it means to be a good leader and which character traits of a leader each candidate has.
We learned new vocabulary about elections as we chose our favorite candidates, created campaign posters, recorded candidate commercials, and reviewed the campaign posters of our fellow first graders.

We’ve got our Voter’s Registration Cards ready to go!

Checking out campaign posters
On Friday, November 13th, we had our election. First grade students were asked to present their Voter’s Registration cards as they cast their ballots at the voting booth. After all the votes were in, totals for each class were confirmed, and we went to the outdoor classroom to total all the ballots for each candidate.
This has been a fun unit of learning, and we enjoyed celebrating Grace’s big win!