Parent Handbook


2024-2025 WBES Parent Handbook can be accessed on Parent Square!



Willow Brook Elementary School

298 Robertsville Road

Oak Ridge, TN 37830


Twitter – @WBESbears


“Committed to Excellence & Equity for Every Student!”



In compliance with the Title VI Act of 1964, Willow Brook School does not   discriminate nor deny any student’s participation in any program or activity based on race, color, religion, or national origin.




Willow Brook Staff…………………………………………………………………………………. Page 3

Vision, Motto and Beliefs……………………………………………………………………… Page 4

Important Dates and Times…………………………………………………………………… Page 4

If You Have a Question…………………………………………………………………………. Page 5

Arrival/Dismissal……………………………………………………………………………………. Page 5

Traffic Patterns……………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 5

Morning Arrival………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 6

Afternoon Dismissal…………………………………………………………………………… Page 6-8

Authorization to Release………………………………………………………………………. Page 9

Attendance……………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 9

Early Check Out for Appointments……………………………………………………. Page 10

Prearranged Absences………………………………………………………………………… Page 11

Report Cards………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 12

Safety and Emergency Drills………………………………………………………………. Page 12

Food Services………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 13

Money…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 14

Class Contributions/Supply Lists……………………………………………………….. Page 15

Dress Code…………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 15

After School Programs……………………………………………………………………….. Page 16

Intersession………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 17

Cross Boundary/Tuition Requests……………………………………………………… Page 17

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)………………………….. Page 18

Willow Brook Student Behavior Expectations………………………………….. Page 18

Field Trips…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 19

Medical Issues……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 20

Media……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 21

School Buses……………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 21

Smoking……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 22

Vaping………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 22

Lost and Found…………………………………………………………………………………… Page 22

Birthdays………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 23

Allergies……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 23

Personal Belongings…………………………………………………………………………… Page 24

Personally Owned Devices (Cellphones)…………………………………………… Page 24

Title 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 24

Family Involvement Plan…………………………………………………………………….. Page 25

Opportunities to be Involved…………………………………………………. Page 25-27

Home/School Communication……………………………………………….. Page 27-28

Curriculum……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 29

Resources Available to Parents……………………………………………………. Page 29

Ways to Help Ensure Student Success……………………………………………… Page 30

Inclement Weather………………………………………………………………………………. Page 31

ORS Title I School-Parent Compact…………………………………………… Page 32 – 38


In compliance with the Title 1 Willow Brook School provides opportunities for parental involvement in programming as outlined in the Willow Brook Parent Handbook.





Principal………………… Jenifer Laurendine

School Counselor………….. Dan Schwartz

Admin. Asst/Bookkeeper …. Sherry Bath

Admin Asst/Registrar……….. Latoya Pack

Assistant Principal…….. Jason Nussbaum

Family Resource Center…………. Jo Bruce

Title I Liaison…………………. Allison Peters

McNabb Center…………… Courtney Cook





Karen Aldridge

Gigi Naeve

Jessica Martin

Melissa Williams




Leslie Addis

Peter Blair

Marti Overton

Mandie Seal

Meredith Whitehead





Liane Aldridge

Michelle Chenot

Jackie Cohn

Becky Sensibaugh






Tamara Rhyne

Tiffany Collins

Theresa Halcomb

Jordan Walter





Jamea Beach

Callie Cox

Cherie Tan

Deanna Okert





Physical Ed……………………… Brian Wilson

Art………………………………… Sara Cochran

Vocal Music…………….. Michelle Goethert

Discovery Center…………… Tina Marascia

Library……………………………….. Lisa Meidl

Computer…………………………. Chris Bruce





Bethany Newcomb

Melanie Bloomer

Mega Sauer

Hope King


Nancy Mawhinney

Rebecca Mullins

Rachel Rush

Lynn Draper
Bill Meidl

Andrea Ditmore

Jessica Weems




Judy Clabough

Julie Colburn

Katherine Evans

Nicole Ferry


Terry Gonzalez

Megan McCearen

Pam Howard

Natalie Johnson


Laurel Madden

Julie Morgan

Lori Murphree

Keva Payne



Cathy Infield


Kelley Thompson


Cristina Crane




CUSTODIANS:   Ricky Johnson, Channa Williams & James Andrews


In compliance with the Title 1, No Child Left Behind Act, all of Willow Brook’s teaching and instructional support staff are highly qualified.  Parents may request information about the qualifications of teachers and teacher assistants



The vision of Willow Brook Elementary is to empower all to achieve their goals in a safe and respectful environment.


Excellence and equity for every Willow Brook Student.


·       all children are capable of learning.

·       learning is fostered when children experience & celebrate successes.

·       all members of the school should be respectful, responsible, and ready every day.

·       learning is meaningful when school experiences are relevant to children’s lives.

·       home and community involvement are essential to the success of all children.

·       diversity should be honored, respected, and celebrated.

·       participation in fine arts, humanities and wellness programs develop well-rounded individuals.

·       children have gifts & talents that should be nurtured.




Daily School Hours:

8:15am – 3:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

8:15am – 1:30pm Wednesday



When School is Closed:

Labor Day Holiday:  September 5th

Fall Break:  October 3rd – October 14th

Thanksgiving Holiday: November 23rd – 25th

Winter Break:  December 19th – January 4th

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday:  January 16th

Spring Break:  March 13th – 24th

Good Friday:  April 7th




Fall Intersession:  Monday – Thursday, October 3rd – October 6th

Spring Intersession:  Monday – Thursday, March 13th – 16th



  • First, contact your child’s teacher.  If your question/concern involves your child’s classroom, you need to contact his/her teacher first.  He/she will be more likely to give you input and answers than anyone else in the building. Keep in mind that many questions/concerns come from miscommunication.  Simply talking with the teacher can usually take care of most situations.
  • If you still have a question or concern after you have spoken with the teacher, please call Mrs. Laurendine or Mr. Nussbaum (425-3201).  Both will be happy to speak with you and/or meet with you.




The two most vulnerable times for student safety during the school day are arrival and dismissal.  During these two times we have more student movement, more people, and more vehicles on campus than any other time of the day.  These two times get extra attention from us.  Safety is always our top priority.  We have specific policies and procedures in place to keep these times of the day as safe as we possibly can.  Please adhere to the following:


Traffic Patterns:




  • No cars parked in the bus loop
  • Do not park along the sidewalk or block wheelchair ramps
  • Park in designated spaces only.
  • Student drop off is at the bottom of the cafeteria stairs. There are adults and Safety Patrol outside in this area to assist during student drop off.


Morning Arrival:


  • Willow Brook doors open at 7:45am. Students are not to be dropped off and left unattended before 7:45am because staff members will not be present to supervise students until doors open.
  • Morning drop-off: Students arriving by car are to be dropped off at the bottom of the cafeteria stairs. School staff will open car doors and greet children from 7:50 -8:20am each morning.  Students arriving by car are to walk up the stairs enter the cafeteria for breakfast.
  • Students arriving before 8:15am will go to the cafeteria and then the gym for Math & Movement. All students will be released for homeroom at 8:15am.
  • The first bell rings at 8:15am. Students may report directly to their classroom at that time.  Students arriving after 8:15am will receive Breakfast in a Bag to take to their classroom.
  • Instruction begins promptly at 8:30am. A student will be considered tardy if they are not in their classroom and ready to learn at 8:30am.


Afternoon Dismissal:


  • Parents must indicate how their student is to go home at the beginning of the school year by completing the Transportation Survey. There are 7 options for dismissal:

Early Check-out Please make sure your list of adults approved to pick-up/check-out your student is up-to-date in Skyward.  Per school board policy, we will only release your student to adults you have listed, in writing, as having permission to check-out your student.  In order to maintain a safe and organized dismissal procedure, no Early Check-outs are permitted after 2:45pm (12:45pm on Wednesdays).  If your student has an appointment and needs to leave school before 3:30pm, please make arrangements to check them out before 2:45pm.  Early checkouts fall under the attendance policy.  Tardies and early check-outs both impact perfect attendance.  Be sure to bring an appointment excuse so an early checkout will be recorded as excused.

Car Rider Your student will only be released to adults in possession of the car tag with your student’s name on it.  Families are limited to two car tags.  You may get two car tags from the front office any time before 3:00pm.  (Please bring identification in the event the person working in the front office does not know you).  If a car tag is lost or not in possession of the person who is picking your student up on a given day, you/they will have to check him/her out through the front office.  Please make sure your list of adults approved to pick-up/check-out your student is up-to-date in Skyward.  Per school board policy, we will only release your student to adults you have listed, in writing, as having permission to check-out your student.

Walker Students who are listed as “walkers” will be released at the Robertsville Road exit of our building.  Your student will only be released to adults in possession of a walker card with your student’s name on it.  Families are limited to two walker cards.  You may get walker cards from the front office any time before 3:00pm. (Please bring identification in the event the person working in the front office does not know you).  If a walker card is lost or not in the possession of the person who is picking up your student on a given day, you/they will have to check him/her out through the front office.  Please make sure your list of adults approved to pick-up/check-out your student is up-to-date in Skyward.  Per school board policy, we will only release your student to adults you have listed, in writing, as having permission to check-out your student.

Independent Walker – You must inform us in writing if your student is allowed to walk home independently of an adult escort.  Student safety is our highest priority and we do not want to release your student to walk alone if you expect them to be picked up by an adult.  Please practice, with your student, walking the safest route between your home and the school entrance. Kindergarten students are not allowed to be Independent Walkers.

Bus Rider – If your child is a new bus rider, please be sure you have an up-to-date REQUEST FOR BUS SERVICE form on file with the school (if there have been no changes to your address or pick-up/drop-off location, you do not need to complete a new form).

A new form will need to be completed if your address changes or if pick-up or drop-off locations need to be changed.  Bus stops/times are posted on the School District webpage.

Kindergarten students will not be released at their bus stop in the afternoon unless an approved adult is present at the bus stop to pick them up.  If no adult is present, the bus will return the kindergarten student to the school.  NOTE: Written permission from the parent must be submitted in order for an older sibling to exit the bus with the kindergarten student or meet the kindergarten student at the bus stop.

Students brought back to the school three times due to not having an approved adult present to accept them off the bus will lose privileges to utilize First Student as a transportation option.

A Bus Conduct Contract must be signed and returned to school for any student to utilize bus transportation.

Bike Rider   If your child is a bike rider, please ensure they have a lock to secure their bicycle onto the bike rack.  We are unable to store bicycles inside the school building.  Students must wear a bike helmet to ride their bike to and from school.

Extended Child Care (ECC) – Students who are registered for ECC will be released at 3:30pm. to meet the ECC teacher.

  • Changes in dismissal/ transportation:  If a change needs to be made in afternoon transportation, a written note to the homeroom teacher is required.  This needs to be done before your student comes to school.  Do not call the school to make a dismissal/ transportation change unless it is an emergency.  If an emergency arises that requires a change in transportation for your student, please email Mrs. Pack at  before 1:00pm so we can communicate the change to the homeroom teacher.  After 1:00pm, we cannot guarantee dismissal changes will be communicated to the homeroom teacher prior to dismissal.
  • Please be on time to pick up your child. School dismisses at 3:30pm (1:30pm on Wednesdays) and the office closes at 4:00pm.  If an emergency arises and you will be later than 3:30pm, you must call the front office.  The authorities may be contacted for students who are left after school hours without parental contact.




Each child is to have Authorization to Release information on file in the school office.  Be sure to list anyone whom you think could come and pick up your child.  If a person’s name is not on the form, we will not release the child without prior written consent.  We will not take phone calls to change authorization.  If your child is going home with another child, your child must have a note giving permission for the other child’s family to pick up your child.  Please keep your student’s Authorization to Release information current throughout the year.  Notify the school immediately if any personal contact information needs to be changed or updated.  We do check ID of everyone before we release a child, per ORS policy.




Willow Brook Elementary School follows the policy as written in the ORS Discipline Code Handbook, as well as additional policies specific to Willow Brook.


Things you need to know:


  • The number one goal is to have students present, on time, and prepared for school every day.
  • If a child must miss school for an acceptable reason (as stated in the ORS Discipline Code Handbook), parents may write up to seven (7) notes per school year to excuse up to seven (7) absences.
  • After seven (7) parental notes, any other acceptable absence requires a verifiable excuse, such as medical, court or other official documents.
  • All excuses must be submitted to the front office within three (3) days of a students’ return to school.
  • COVID-19 Related Absences – If a student misses school due to testing positive for Covid 19, their absences are excused by Oak Ridge School for the number of days specified by the School Nurse and Administration:
  • Unexcused absences are addressed through the ORS truancy policy and can result in Court intervention.
  • Parents will be contacted by school staff when students accrue 3, 5, 7, and 10 unexcused absences. Upon the 10th unexcused absence, a truancy petition will be filed with the Court on behalf of the student by the Director of Pupil Services.
  • Mrs. Laurendine, Mr. Nussbaum, and/or Mrs. Bruce will contact you to discuss truancy and solutions to obstacles creating attendance issues when your student accrues 5 Unexcused Absences.
  • Parents and students will be required to attend a district truancy meeting with Mr. Lay, the ORS Director of School Leadership, when a student accrues 7 Unexcused Absences.
  • Parents need to be aware that unexcused tardies (not in the classroom when the bell rings at 8:30am) and unexcused early check-outs (checked out before the 3:30pm bell rings) are an important part of attendance.
  • For a child to be eligible for Perfect Attendance, he/she must have no excused or unexcused absences, no tardies and no early check-outs the entire school year.
  • If a child must miss school, a child has three days from the date of return to make up any missed work.  Parents wishing to come by the front office and pick up work must call the front desk at 425-3201 before 9:00am in the morning and may pick up the work between 3:30pm and 4:00pm that afternoon.


If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact Jo Bruce at 425-3205.  She will be glad to assist you with any problems or concerns you may have.




From time-to-time parents need to make outside appointments for their children that conflict with school hours.  While we would prefer those appointments be scheduled outside of school hours, we do know that that is not always possible.  If your child has an outside appointment:


  • To be EXCUSED, the appointment must be for an acceptable reason as stated in the ORS Discipline Code Handbook and a written excuse must be submitted upon return the next day.  Early check-outs fall under the attendance policy.
  • Parents, or adults with authorization to release, must come into the front office to sign out a student when they are checking out and sign them in when they are checking in.
  • If the appointment is scheduled at the end of the school day and the child will not be returning to school, the child needs to be picked up no later than 3:00pm. (1:00pm on Wednesday).  This allows plenty of time before the dismissal process begins for the secretary to locate the child, call him/her to the front office, and get you out the door without getting caught in after school traffic.
  • Avoid scheduling appointments during State Assessments—once testing begins in the morning, we do not interrupt classes for any reason.




While the Oak Ridge Schools actively encourage and require a high degree of student attendance, we know that learning opportunities extend beyond the classroom setting.  There are times when family trips and club participation can contribute to the development of the students.  We also acknowledge that life circumstances occur that may interfere with a child’s attendance.


When these circumstances arise, we ask that you fill out a Prearranged Absence Form.  You may request the form from, and return the completed form, to Mrs. Pack at the front desk.  To have time to approve the form, we request that you turn in the completed form to Mrs. Pack ten days prior to the absence, or in the case of a family emergency, as quickly as possible.  Mrs. Laurendine will then approve or deny the request and return the pink copy to the parent.  Family trips do not meet the criteria for an excused absence.  Please note that students with excessive absences or with a high concern of a failing grade will not be approved for discretionary absences.








Students receive a report card every nine weeks.  Grades will reflect student mastery of standards for each nine-week term.  Grades are not a measure of growth over the course of the year.


Grades will be reported in the following categories:  English/Language Arts (Foundational Literacy K-2, Reading and Writing sub-categories), Math, Science and Social Studies (3-4 only), and Special Areas.


Grades in K-2 will be reported as success criteria:

  • 4 = Mastered
  • 3 = On-Track
  • 2 = Approaching
  • 1 = Below

Grades in 3-4 will be reported as letter grades:

  • A = 93-100
  • B = 85-92
  • C = 75-84
  • D = 70-74
  • F = 0-69
  • I = Incomplete




  • The health and safety of our students and staff is our number one priority.  As a staff, we continue to review our policies and procedures for safety to ensure our knowledge in the event of an emergency.  Routinely we practice a variety of drills with the children, including evacuations, lock downs, natural disasters, severe weather, and fire.  If we ever had to fully evacuate, here are a few things you, as parents, would need to know:
  • The Willow Brook staff will take students to a secure location off the property – we have arrangements with a variety of churches and schools within walking distance of Willow Brook in which to take our students.


  • Once at the new location, procedures will be put into place for parental pick up. Students will not be released until they were all accounted for after the re-location.


  • Parents will be notified via the Skylert system and the media as to where to be reunited with their child(ren). While this would be a very stressful time, parents need to follow the procedures for picking up their child(ren) and not add to the stress by trying to go to an undesignated location.


  • A media location will be set up at a separate location by a member of our Safety Response Team to keep the media up to date with information.


  • All exterior doors around the building are always locked.  Our head custodian does routine daily checks to make sure all doors are locked.
  • Everyone coming into our school must enter via the front doors and must obtain a visitor’s badge before leaving the lobby.  Visitors should also check out when leaving the property.  In the event of an emergency, we need to account for everyone in the building.
  • All visitors must wear a Willow Brook visitor sticker.  If a visitor is in our building without a sticker, he/she will be stopped and asked to return to the front counter to get a sticker.
  • No one is allowed to go to classrooms without a prior appointment with the teacher or without notification of the classroom teacher.  If you come to pick up your child, drop something off for your child, or have lunch with your child, you must wait in the lobby while the child is called to come to the front desk.




  • Willow Brook Elementary School participates in the Community Eligibility Program, which means all students are offered a healthy breakfast and lunch at no cost. We provide balanced meals each day for our students.  Students may have the lunch provided by the school or bring a lunch from home.
  • Carbonated beverages (sodas, particularly caffeinated sodas) are not to be brought for lunch.
  • Prices for 2022-2023:


Ala Carte Menu:

Elementary Ala Carte Entrée/2nd Meal  $3.25

Assorted Bagged Chips/Snacks          $1.00

Adult Breakfast                                 $2.35

Adult Lunch                                      $4.00

  • The cafeteria is monitored by teacher assistants.  Students are expected to follow all rules and directions of the staff on duty.
  • Because there are so many children in the cafeteria at one time, it is essential that children use quiet voices.  We have a traffic signal that helps to monitor the noise level.  A green light indicates the appropriate noise level.  As the volume begins to increase, the yellow light will come on and students need to adjust.  If the red light comes on indicating that the level is too loud, one of the teachers on duty will shut off the lights and the students are not allowed to talk.  “Lights out” means total silence.  Students must remain in silence until the lights come back on and the traffic signal returns to green.  The red light is also turned on to signal the time for students to take their lunch trays and line up for dismissal from the cafeteria.
  • Parents brining in outside food may only provide food to his/her own child unless approved by the administrator.
  • Students are not to share outside food with peers due to potential reactions to food allergies.
  • Biometric Finger Scanners – a form was sent home in the back-to-school packet to give permission to use a Biometric Finger scan for breakfast and lunches.  Students are now permitted to purchase lunch by having their fingerprint scanned instead of using their typing in codes or ID cards.  This new system is intended to help improve the efficiency, accuracy, speed, and cost-effectiveness of this process.  This technology will not store your student’s fingerprint in our system.  Rather, the software converts your student’s fingerprint into a mathematical algorithm which will remain in the system after the fingerprint is initially scanned. More simply, the fingerprints scanned from each student are converted to a set of numbers and those numbers are used to identify each student. There are no fingerprint images saved to the computer system.




  • Students do not need to have more than one dollar for purchasing an a la carte item in the cafeteria each day.  Please do not send your child with large amounts of money.  Our cafeteria and/or office is not equipped to make change, and students have the potential to lose extra money.  Additionally, they cafeteria will not provide change back to the child, but rather place the change due on their accounts for future use.
  • If a child needs to bring money to pay for a field trip, we suggest you put the money in an envelope and clearly mark your child’s name on the front.
  • Students are NOT allowed to give/accept money from other students.
  • Students owing money to the office, book room, or library are not eligible to participate special functions (i.e., Field Day) until the debt is paid in full.
  • When paying for field trips, lost or damaged library or book room books, class pictures, or other school expenses with cash, please send the exact amount requested.  The bookkeeper does not always have the money available to make change.




At the beginning of the year teachers will send home a request for a $20.00 class contribution and needed school supplies. This contribution allows the classroom teacher to provide classroom projects and opportunities above and beyond the basic instructional program afforded through the ORS approved budget.  Some of the extra projects include science experiments, subscriptions to Scholastic News, planners, art projects, seasonal projects, guest speakers, etc. Without this contribution, these additional opportunities would not be possible. School supplies are also items requested to support the classroom program. When students can provide their own supplies, classroom monies can be used for other programs and projects. Both the contribution and supplies are requested from every student but are not required of any child.




Willow Brook will follow the dress code established for the Oak Ridge Schools and printed in the ORS Discipline Handbook.  Listed below are some of the concerns that come up at the elementary level:


  • No flip flops or backless shoes—because our students walk in lines, are active in physical education, class and play on our playgrounds daily flip flops are not to be worn to school.  Students need to wear shoes that completely cover their foot or have a back strap and fits securely on his/her feet.
  • Shirts/shorts—shirts must fully cover the stomach and shorts must be mid-thigh in length.  Our students grow quickly… what fit a month ago, may not fit now.
  • Appropriate dress for weather—we go outside daily.  Be sure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather.
  • Spaghetti straps—need a shirt over or under them.
  • Sagging—needs a belt. Pants need to fit around the waist so that they do not fall and cannot drag the floor and become a tripping hazard.


If you have a question about a particular clothing item, either call the school and ask, or send an extra piece of clothing or pair of shoes in the event the child must make a wardrobe change.  We do keep some extra clothing at school for emergencies.  If your child is in violation of the dress code, you will be contacted and asked to bring him/her a change of clothing.




  • Willow Brook is the recipient of a 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant to provide both before and after school programs, which are under the direction of Mrs. Tina Marascia. Some programs are teacher recommended and some are student/parent elected.  After school programs are at no cost to our students.  Programs last until 4:30pm and a late bus is available for any student needing transportation.  If your child is chosen for the Afterschool Program, you will be required to participate in an orientation meeting and fill out an application giving permission to participate and other pertinent information.  Your child must remain a student in good standing to participate.
  • Extended Child Care (ECC): Students needing before and after school childcare may enroll in the ECC program.  There is a cost to parents for this service.  ECC opens at 6:30am and closes at 6:00pm. Parents wishing to participate in this program need to register each year with:


  • Cody Wright, System Director 425-9145
  • Cristina Crane, WB Site Director 425-3204





Our Intersession program occurs during the first four (4) days of Fall Break and first four (4) days of Spring Break.  Intersession is an opportunity for students to work on academic interventions as well as participate in STEM projects and challenges.


  • School hours: M, T, W, Th,           8:15am – 2:30pm
  • Breakfast:                                  8:15 – 8:30am
  • Lunch:                                       11:30am – noon
  • Bus transportation is available during Intersession.


For students to attend, they need to:

  • Complete the registration forms that go home in the fall and spring and return them to the front office.  Space is limited so we recommend parents return registration forms as quickly as possible.  If Intersession registration is closed, student names will go on a waiting list.
  • Be in good standing with behavior—students that have had behavior problems in the classroom risk the chance of being denied acceptance into Intersession.
  • During Intersession week, students must have outstanding behavior—if any behavior issues arise, students are sent home and do not return for the rest of the week.




  • Oak Ridge currently operates using Open Enrollment for the 22.23 school year.  Schools will look at enrollment numbers/projections and advertise the number of open seats available for cross boundary/tuition.  When the window for reapplication opens in the spring, the ORS Office of Pupil Services will send home notification.
  • Students at Willow Brook on tuition or cross boundary must reapply annually.
  • Students being considered for tuition acceptance must complete paperwork with Dr. Henderson, the Director of Pupil Services for the Oak Ridge Schools at the School Administration Building.
  • Students coming to Willow Brook on a cross boundary/tuition must remain in good standing in the following areas:

– academic – behavior – attendance.  The principal will send out emails as a reminder of this each semester.

  • If a student does not maintain good standing in each area, his/her cross boundary may be revoked at the end of the year, per the new Open Enrollment policy.
  • If a student begins the year at Willow Brook and moves to a different Oak Ridge school zone and parents would like for the child to remain at Willow Brook, parents must fill out the cross-boundary paperwork to be considered.
  • If a student begins the year at Willow Brook and moves outside of Oak Ridge, he/she must complete a tuition application through the Pupil Services office to be considered for staying in the Oak Ridge Schools.




Schools are successful when they help children grow academically, socially, and emotionally.  For this to happen it is imperative that we have a safe environment which is supportive and conducive for growth.  By setting forth clear social and behavioral expectations and directly teaching students about those expectations, it is our goal to create a positive atmosphere for optimal learning.  To help us meet this goal, Willow Brook staff has implemented a school-wide student behavior program called Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS).




Willow Brook Elementary follows disciplinary procedures adopted by the Oak Ridge Schools Board of Education and published in the Oak Ridge Schools Discipline Code Handbook.  The three core values of Willow Brook are: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.  Each staff member is responsible for maintaining discipline within his or her classroom.


Teachers will use the SWIS documentation program to document behaviors they adjudicate in the classroom setting.  If a teacher must refer a student to the office, WBES administrators will address per the ORS Discipline Code of Conduct and document in Skyward.  Discipline incidents that require admin attention will always be communicated to you the day of the incident by cell phone.  In case we are not able to teach you on your cell, a request for contact will be sent by email.


We support parents in the setting of reasonable rules and expectation for student behavior in our school. Playground, hallway, classroom, cafeteria, bathroom, and bus expectations are outlined and explained to all students early in the school year.  These areas (bus, field trips, playground, etc. are all an extension of the classroom). Teachers review general school and classroom rules with the students in their classrooms, with the intent of having students take responsibility for their own actions.





Field trips are arranged as an extension of the curriculum to provide students with real world learning experiences. On occasion, field trips may also be planned as a reward or celebration.  For a student to be eligible for a field trip:


  • He/she must have good classroom behavior. If a child is struggling with his/her behavior while at school, we will not take that child into a less structured environment like a field trip where there is a safety risk. If a child’s behavior has been a classroom concern, prior to the trip the classroom teacher and/or school administrator will notify parents as to whether the child will be attending the field trip. The teacher may request a parent to accompany a child on the trip for the child to participate.  Children may be ineligible for a field trip if:
  • he/she is on a bus suspension when the trip is
  • if a student has had an out of school suspension,
  • if a student exhibits unsafe behavior such as being out of assigned area, fighting, or gross insubordination within three weeks of a field trip
  • if a field trip extends beyond school hours and the parent was more than 20 minutes late picking the child up from the trip, the student will not be eligible for the next after school field trip
  • The parent or legal guardian must sign permission slips for a field trip by the deadline date set by the classroom teacher. A signature is required; we will not take verbal permission over the phone.
  • Each teacher will set a deadline date for money to be turned in for the trip.  All monies must be in by 12:30pm. the day before the field trip so that the bookkeeper can write the appropriate checks and make the appropriate deposits.
  • Chaperoning a school field trip:  Sometimes, teachers request parent volunteers to assist with the field trip.  Parents volunteering for the trip need to be on time, know which children they are responsible for, be sure they know the daily schedule of events and adhere to the schedule, always stay with the children, not talk on the cell phone, and know the expectations of the teacher for the trip.  Toddlers are not allowed to accompany parents chaperoning school field trips.  Some trips do not require outside chaperones.  While we welcome our parents on field trips, when possible, keep in mind that school field trips are not designed to be family outings.
  • Transportation:  When taking field trips, we contract transportation services through the First Student Transportation Department or an approved Oak Ridge Schools field trip contractor.  If parents are attending the trip and wish to transport their own child, they must sign the child out with the teacher before leaving the school and sign the child back in with the teacher upon arrival at the destination.  If the parent plans to transport the child for the ride home, again, the parent must sign the child out with the teacher before leaving the field trip.  A parent may not transport any other child than his/her own on school field trips without appropriate insurance and prior approval from the principal.




  • Willow Brook has a full time, registered nurse on staff.  Any questions or concerns regarding medical issues need to be brought to his/her attention.
  • If a child needs to take medicine at school on a regular basis, parents must obtain a medical form from the nurse.  No medication can be dispensed at school without a medical form on file.  This includes both prescription and over the counter (OTC) medications.  This includes cough drops, Neosporin, anti-itch creams, etc.
  • Students may NOT transport any medications at any time.  The only exception would be students needing inhalers and/or epi pens.  A doctor’s note and principal permission are required for a student to carry their inhaler and/or epi pen on their person.  Parents must bring and sign in any medications that the school needs to dispense.
  • Students must be fever free up for 24 hours without the aid of medication, before returning to school from an illness.
  • If your child has an allergy or a medical diagnosis of any kind, please let the school nurse know at the beginning of the year.




In compliance with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Oak Ridge Schools notifies parents annually about release of student information.  The following applies to release of information to the media or other publically available information sources:

  1. General Media Release:  The school or district may feature my child’s likeness (photography, video, etc.) and/or work on Oak Ridge Schools’ online resources, in publications or other public media.  No last names or other personal demographic information will appear with any student likeness or work except as set forth below.
  2. Exception for HONORS and AWARDS:  For the purpose of publically recognizing students for honor and awards, the school district will assume implied consent to release student information (including first and last names) unless parent or guardian notifies ORS within ten (10) calendar days after the first day of school (or the first day of enrollment).  Student information related to honors and awards may appear in broadcast, print or digital media, in both district and non-district information sources.
  3. Parental/Guardian Approval for Unique Situations:  Should the school or school district wish to use a student’s name, image, or work for purposes other than as noted above, school officials will seek parental approval in advance.

*Should a parent or guardian wish to go beyond the limits set above and further restrict use of a student’s first name, image, or work, please provide a signed copy of the Non-Disclosure of Directory Information form (found on the district website).




First Student Transportation provides our school buses as a contractor for Oak Ridge Schools.  Bus routes are posted on the ORS website (  Students riding school buses must follow all rules and policies for riding as set forth by First Student and the Oak Ridge Schools Board of Education.  Students violating bus rules and policies are subject to school discipline, as the bus is an extension of the classroom and riding the bus is a privilege.  If the student is not following the school bus rules, he/she may lose the privilege of riding.  Bus behavior is taken very seriously at Willow Brook.  It is simply too dangerous for a child to not follow the bus rules.  Students are expected to follow all rules and always behave to ensure a safe ride to and from school.

·       If parents have any questions regarding bus stops, routes, times, etc., please call the Supervisor of Transportation Services at 425-3191




Smoking (including use of e-cigarettes, vapes, etc.) is not allowed on any Oak Ridge School property/campus.  This includes parking lots, playgrounds, etc.



Students who are vaping or found to be in possession of tobacco or tobacco products on school property including smokeless tobacco, and electronic cigarettes, will be assigned the following consequences:

  • First Offense – Student will be assigned five days of out of school suspension, receive a tobacco citation and be required to attend a tobacco/vaping education class.
  • Second Offense – Student will be assigned seven days of out of school suspension.
  • Third Offense – Student will be assigned a long-term suspension (10 days or more).

Students who are found to be distributing tobacco or tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes, will be assigned the following consequences:

  • First Offense – Student will be assigned seven days of out of school suspension, receive a tobacco citation and be required to attend a tobacco/vaping education class.
  • Second Offense – Student will be assigned a long-term suspension (10 days or more).




Items that have been left unattended around the school are collected and placed in our Lost and Found.  Lost and found is located on the second floor in the back hallway outside the gym.  Items left in Lost and Found are bagged up on the last day of each month and taken to a local charity for donation.  If your child has missing items, have them check Lost and Found before the end of each month.



Birthdays are a big deal for our children.  Many parents want to involve the classroom in some way to help celebrate. While having birthday recognition is up to each parent, if you choose to involve the class, please keep the following in mind:

  • A birthday snack is welcome; however, you need to check with your child’s teacher, in advance, to find out his/her preference in where the treat will be distributed.  Some teachers will allow a limited amount of class time to have the treat, while other teachers prefer the treat to be enjoyed at lunchtime.  Also, check with your teacher regarding any student food allergies.
  • All snacks/treats must be prepackaged, or store bought.  Additionally, be sure to send all supplies needed (i.e., paper plates, forks, napkins, etc.). Remember to keep it simple.
  • Do not send treat bags.
  • No balloons or flowers are to be delivered to students, per ORS policy.
  • The teacher will only distribute birthday party invitations if every child in the class is invited.  If you do not intend to invite every child in the class to the party, the invitations are not to come to school.  They may be mailed or distributed in some other fashion outside of school. If you wish to have a class list of names, contact your child’s teacher.  Due to FERPA regulations, we do not provide student addresses or phone numbers.




Some of our students have very serious allergies.  To be sure they are safe and healthy in our school, we do have a few rules that must be observed:

  • Nut allergies can be very serious.  If you are providing snacks/treats for your child’s class, be sure to check with your child’s teacher ahead of time.
  • Some or our students and staff are allergic to animals.  Animals are NOT allowed in the building. Service dogs are the exception due to prior written consent, per ORS Board Policy.
  • Parents may bring outside food for their own child only.
  • Food is not to be shared between students in the cafeteria.




Toys, electronic devices, trading cards, games, cell phones, and other personal belongings are not to be brought to school unless specifically requested by the classroom teacher for a specific classroom project or activity.  If your child attends after-school care, where these items are allowed, the child must keep the item in his/her backpack until he/she arrives at the after-school care location.  If items are out of the backpack on the bus or in the school, the items may be taken by the bus driver/teacher and held until the parent comes to pick up the items.  Please pick up personal belongings promptly.  The school is not responsible for items that are not picked up within 3 days.



To prevent distractions and interruptions in the learning environment, students should keep personally owned devices (including but not limited to laptops, kindles, Nooks, e[1]book devices, tablets, smart phones and cell phones) turned off and put away during school hours – unless in the event of an emergency or as instructed by a teacher or

staff for educational purposes. The principal has discretion to approve use of personally owned devices during non-instructional hours of the school day such as study hall, lunch etc.


Students are prohibited from using personally owned devices to record (video, audio, photograph) others. Students are also prohibited from using personally owned devices (video, audio, photograph) to copy tests or other confidential information




In 2008, Willow Brook became a Title 1 School.  Through Federal appropriations, Willow Brook receives additional funding to impact instruction.  As a school wide Title 1 School, all students benefit from the increased funding. Title 1 funding has allowed Willow Brook to reduce class sizes, provide addition support through teaching assistants, provide materials and supplies to support literacy instruction in all classrooms, and to provide a Family Involvement Liaison to serve our students and families. Title 1 funding affords WB many additional opportunities to support our vision and mission.





Our family-school connection makes Willow Brook a very special place!  A strong home and school connection is essential to provide the very best program we can for your child.  There are several ways that you can be involved at the school:





  1. Join us for special events! We honor our families with these special occasions each year:
  1. Thanksgiving Lunch: We invite all family members to come and have Thanksgiving Lunch with their child.  This is one of our favorite days of the year! A reservation form will go home with every child with the cost of lunch and the number of tickets each family would like to reserve.
  2. We Love our Willow Brook Families Breakfast: One morning each year we invite all our parents to join us for breakfast in the classroom. While students enjoy a healthy breakfast provided by Aramark, parents are treated to a continental breakfast donated by local businesses.
  3. Family Night Events: Join us for all or some of the events we host to bring families together for entertainment and learning. Examples of Family Night Events include our Winter Party, Family Reading Night, Family STEM night, as well as student musical performances and art shows.



  1. Join our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO):  Our PTO does many wonderful things for our school.  There is always a place to serve and make a difference with the PTO!


The P.T.O. officers for 2022-2023 include:

President:                 Melissa Bishop

Vice President:          Anne-Marie Burge

Secretary:                 Trista Cromwell

Treasurer:                 Adam Bishop


  1. Parent Volunteers: Many classrooms welcome volunteers.  Parent Volunteers are given a specific duty/job and a designated time to come. If you sign up to be a classroom volunteer, be sure to know the expected job and what time you are to work.  If you are not able to make your designated time, be sure to call.  ALL volunteers must complete a volunteer application form, sign in through the front office each time they enter the building, and wear a volunteer name badge.


  1. Reading Volunteers/Tutors: We have several children in the building that could use some extra “one on one” academic assistance.  If you are willing to commit to helping a child each week, please contact our Family Resource Director, Jo Bruce, at 425-3205


  1. Serving on our Parent Advisory Committee to help make school improvement, curriculum, and instruction decisions.


  1. Classroom Visitation:

Our parents are always welcome to visit our classrooms. However, anytime a visitor is in the class, it can become a distraction from the learning process for students.  If you would like to visit your child’s classroom, you must first schedule a time with the teacher, and it must be approved by the administration.  We also ask that the following be observed:

  1. Parents who visit a child’s classroom must make an appointment with the teacher at least 24 hours in advance of the visit—this ensures that no tests will be given during this time and that the class will be in the room at the designated time.
  2. Parents must sign in and get a visitor’s badge upon entering the school. The secretary will call the classroom upon your arrival to let the teacher know you are here.
  3. Due to the rights of privacy for all students, parent visitations may not last longer than 30 minutes at an agreed upon time with the teacher. Due to FERPA regulations, parents are not permitted to photograph or take video footage of any student other than their own while visiting the school or chaperoning a field trip.
  4. A classroom visit is different from a parent volunteer. If you would like to volunteer to do a specific job/task within the classroom, please notify the teacher.
  5. Toddlers/other children are not allowed to visit classrooms during the instructional day.
  6. School age students are not allowed to visit the classroom without approval of the classroom teacher and the principal.




We have a variety of ways we try to keep our parents informed of all the wonderful things we have going on at Willow Brook as well as a variety of ways for you to communicate with us:


  1. Open House:  An Open House/Meet the Teacher event is held at the beginning of each year.


  1. Newsletters:
  1. The Administration team sends out a weekly newsletter every Sunday evening.
  2. Classroom teachers and/or grade level teams publish a weekly/monthly newsletter.
  3. The school website is an excellent source of current information. Bookmark the site and check it out often:
  4. Many of our teachers utilize an app called Classroom DOJO, our learning management system (LMS) called SeeSaw, as well as email to promote two-way communication with parents. This is an excellent and efficient method for giving and receiving frequent and individualized feedback on student progress.  Check links through our Willow Brook home page for individual teacher email addresses.


  1. Agendas:  Several teachers, especially in the 3rd and 4th grades, use agendas or daily planners to keep students organized and parents informed.  If your child’s teacher uses an agenda, be sure to check it each evening and use it as a tool to communicate with the teacher as well.
  2. Communication FoldersIf teachers do not have a daily planner or agenda, he/she may opt for a daily/weekly communication folder.  The folder is used to hold important papers, notes, announcements, etc. that need to go home.  Most teachers have a daily/weekly behavior report that is included in the folder.  If your child uses a folder system for communication, be sure you know how the folder is to be used to get the greatest use possible from it.


  1. School Messenger: Skylert is the Oak Ridge Schools’ emergency phone service.  Through this service, families will receive a phone call and/or email message regarding all important information, including announcements from the principal and school closings for inclement weather.  Be sure your phone number and email address are kept up to date in the front office so you receive all pertinent announcements.


  1. Parent Conferences:
  2. Any parent wishing to meet with the teacher may request a conference with the teacher by contacting the teacher directly. An administrator will only attend parent conferences at the request of teacher and/or parent.
  3. The school will initiate two parent conferences during the year—one in October and one in February. Teachers will set specific conference times with families on those days.  When we do have school wide parent conference days, students are dismissed at 1:30pm. The dates scheduled for parent conferences for this school year are listed in the “Important Dates and Times” section of this handbook.






  1. Communicating with Two-Home Families: Several of our children have two homes.  It is our desire that both parents be involved as much as possible in their child’s education. Upon request, we will provide copies of report cards and standardized test scores to both households.  Additionally, all information can be accessed on Skyward so we recommend that both parties sign up for Skyward Other communications, notices, classroom reports, etc. will be sent to the primary home of the child.  It is the responsibility of the household receiving the information via the child to communicate with the other household.



  1. Phone Calls:
  2. All our classrooms have telephones.  Classroom phones do not ring during the school day, so they do not interrupt instructional time.
  3. If you need to leave the teacher a voice mail during the day, call 425-3200 and you will be connected to the voice mail system.




  1. Parents can find information about school curricula through the Oak Ridge School’s website and through the Tennessee Department of Educations’ website.  We also share information and answer questions about school curricula at Parent Orientation meetings, Open House, parent workshops, and parent conferences.


  1. Assessment results are discussed with parents at parent conferences.  State assessment results are sent home with each student in grades 3 and 4, and the school data is posted on the ORS website as well as the Tennessee Department of Education’s website.  Assessment results are also analyzed by the school improvement planning team (which includes a cross-section of school staff and parents) and used to set annual school improvement goals.




At Willow Brook we care as much for our families as we do for our students.  We know that if things are a challenge for our families, it can create stress for our students.  There are several resources we have available at Willow Brook to help our families:


  1. Family Resource Center:  Under the direction of Jo Bruce, the FRC exists to help parents be the very best that they can be for their children.  Mrs. Bruce helps families find ways to solve a variety of problems and issues that can keep a child from learning.
  2. Counseling:  Our school counselor, Dan Schwartz, helps both students and families through a variety of issues and concerns.  Mr. Dan also has a wide network of supporters that he can call upon to help whatever is needed to make sure students experience success at Willow Brook.
  3. School-Based Therapy: Willow Brook has partnered with the McNabb Center to provide Counseling and Therapy services on campus.  Ms. Courtney Cook serves as the McNabb licensed therapist and maintains a caseload of up to 35 students.


  1. Title I Family Liaison:  Allison Peters serves as our Family Liaison through Title 1 funding.  Mrs. Peters works to help ensure that our families are equipped with the knowledge they need to help their children be successful academically.  Mrs. Peters’ role at Willow Brook includes providing new student orientation, offering parent workshops, nurturing community partnerships, and organizing our family night events.  Mrs. Peters also serves as our RLC, Restorative Learning Center, Director this year.




We all desire for our children to succeed in school.  Providing them with an education is the best gift we can give our children.  Here are a few tips that can help a child be successful at school:

  • Communication:  Stay in contact with the school and the teacher.
  • What did you LEARN today?  Asking your child what they learned is a great way to help your child take ownership of their learning.
  • Be involved:  Whether it is volunteering to come to the classroom, having lunch with your child, or making sure your child’s homework is complete and their backpack is ready to go each morning…find ways to stay involved.
  • Go through backpacks/folders each evening:  Simply going through your child’s school “stuff” each evening can tell you a lot about how the child spent his/her day and it helps to keep you current on what is going on in the classroom.
  • Connect to Seesaw & Skyward:  be sure to sign up for Seesaw and Skyward so you can stay up to date with what is happening in the classroom and view attendance and discipline.
  • Prepare for the morning the night before:  Mornings can be hectic.  Take care of all paper signing, supply gathering, money giving, etc. before bedtime so your child is ready to go in the morning.  Ensure that your child maintains a consistent and appropriate bedtime.
  • Start the day positive:  If mornings have been difficult at home, children tend to come to school in a bad mood.  A hug, a smile, a kind word each morning can make a day’s worth of difference for a child.
  • Limit Screen Time:  Establish routines and good study habits.  This lets children know education is important to you.
  • Healthy Habits: A healthy body makes for a healthy mind.  For the brain to be at its best, it needs plenty of exercise, water, and healthy food.




In the event of snow, severe weather or the threat of severe weather, tune into the local news or radio stations for the latest updates.  If there is a delay or school closure, all families will also receive a call from Skylert.  Be sure your phone number is always current with the school office so that you receive these calls.

  • Do not call the school asking if we are in session—if there is bad weather, we need to have the phone lines available for emergency information.
  • If you arrive at school in the morning and it does not look like anyone is there, do not drop your child off and pull away because school could be closed.
  • Remember that we are part of the Oak Ridge School District and NOT Anderson County School District.  If Anderson County Schools are closed, Oak Ridge Schools may or may not be closed.  If Oak Ridge Schools are delayed or canceled, you will hear Oak Ridge Schools announced.  You will also receive a SKYLERT phone call and/or email message alerting you to the closure.
  • If we are at school and schools are closed early, be sure your child knows how he/she is to get home.  Be sure to have anyone that may pick up your child in this type of emergency listed as “authorized to release” in Skyward.  Be sure your contact numbers are current at all times; in the event we need to call you in this situation.
  • If school closes for inclement weather, so does ECC.  Do not plan for your child to go to ECC if schools are closed due to inclement weather.


Delay in student dismissal:

If inclement weather occurs during dismissal, students may be held inside the building until it is safe to load them onto buses or send them out of the building as walkers and car riders.  An example of when we would implement this procedure is in the event of severe thunderstorm conditions.  When lightning has been detected nearby, it is not safe to allow students outside the building.  Holding them inside until the storm passes or lightning occurrences move further away from our campus will ensure students are safely dismissed from school.

2022 – 2023

Willow Brook Elementary
Title I Parent Compact 


The faculty of Willow Brook Elementary School believes that education is a cooperative venture between family, school, and community in support of flourishing child development. The connection between school and home is powerful!  We count on you, and you can count on us to love your child and challenge him/her to achieve their greatest potential.  Parental involvement is often the key to a positive school experience, and we look forward to working with you in the coming year.  This document outlines how parents, students, and staff of Willow Brook Elementary School will collaborate to share responsibility for creating a safe and welcoming campus and working towards mastery of our students’ grade level standards. This School-Family Compact is in effect during the 2022-2023 school year.  Please read this compact, then sign and return the signature page (found attached to the letter) to your student’s homeroom teacher by Thursday, August 18, 2022. 





School Responsibilities

To offer a world-class education to our students and facilitate a true partnership with our families, the Willow Brook Elementary School staff will:

  1. Provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment by:
    1. Enabling the participating students to meet the State’s academic achievement standards.
    2. Implementing scientifically based instructional programs and strategies to help your child achieve success.
    3. Having high expectations for your child and for ourselves.
    4. Determining your child’s educational needs and adjusting the instruction to accommodate those needs.
    5. Providing a safe and respectful environment for learning.
    6. Ensuring that families have access to appropriate services and receive assistance as needed through referrals to the ORS Family Resource Center.
    7. Host curriculum-based family night events to engage families in the learning process.
  2. Communicate regularly with parents/ families regarding student academic and behavioral progress.
    1. Host at least one Open House/ Grade Level Orientation event at the beginning of each school year.
    2. Hold parent-teacher conferences during which your individual student’s achievement will be discussed.
  3. Specifically, these conferences will be held:
    1. In the fall semester (October 25th & 26th)
    2. In the spring semester (February 8th & 9th)
  4. As needed based on concerns from school staff and/or parent
  5. Provide grade-level specific information regarding the academic content focus for each grading period and ideas for how parents can support their student’s mastery of these concepts outside the classroom.  This will be communicated through weekly newsletters and updates on the school website.
  6. Provide parents with frequent reports that share information about your student’s individual academic and behavioral progress.  Report cards will be sent home (quarterly), telephone calls and/or electronic communication through Seesaw and Skyward (as needed), and parent-teacher conferences (at least one per semester).
  7. Staff will be available for consultation with parents before school, after school, and during some teacher planning times.


  1. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their student’s class and observe classroom activities as follows:
    1. Serve as a representative on school improvement and advisory committees as an opportunity for shared decision-making regarding best practices for serving students and families at Willow Brook.
    2. Join the PTO to assist in schoolwide projects and needs of Willow Brook teachers.
    3. Help with special classroom projects and school events
    4. Listen to children read
    5. Develop community partnerships to increase the resources and opportunities available to our students.


Family Responsibilities

As parents and family members who are interested in giving our student(s) the best possible opportunity to learn and to create new opportunities for themselves and their future, I/we will do all that I/we can to:

  1. Make sure my student arrives on time for school each day.
  2. Make sure that homework is complete.
  3. Read with my student daily.
    1. K-2nd grade: 20 minutes per day
    2. 3rd/4th grade: 30 minutes per day
  4. Volunteer in my child’s classroom and/or in the school, as I am able. Opportunities include:
    1. Classroom volunteer
    2. School project/ program volunteer
    3. Serve on Parent Advisory Board or school and/or school district
    4. Participate in PTO events that support student activities
  5. Keep my contact information as current as possible to ensure timely and responsive two-way communication between home and school.
  6. Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my student’s education.  I/we will participate in parent-teacher conferences.  If I/we have any concerns about my child’s learning experiences, I/we will contact the classroom teacher and/or school administrator to schedule a specific time to discuss my child’s progress and obstacles he/she may be facing.
  7. Stay informed about my student’s education and communication with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district and respond, as appropriate.
  8. Support a safe, responsible, and respectful climate by reviewing Positive Behavior Expectations with my student and partner with Willow Brook staff to hold him/her accountable for meeting these expectations.



Student Responsibilities

As a student, I will share in the responsibility of my academic achievement in the following ways:

  1. Follow the Willow Brook Promise:
    1. Be Honest.
    2. Be Courteous.
    3. Be Respectful.
    4. Be Responsible.
    5. Be a hard worker at all times.
  2. Complete my classroom and homework assignments.
  3. Follow responsible, respectful, and safe behavior expectations in all areas of the school, including the bus.
  4. Read with an adult, sibling, and/or pet outside of school every day.
    1. K-2nd grade: 20 minutes per day
    2. 3rd/4th grade: 30 minutes per day
  5. Be responsible for getting all information received from school to my parents.