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Board Approves Adjusted Reopening Plan

Dear Families of Oak Ridge,

Our number one commitment in Oak Ridge Schools is success for every student. An important part of ensuring student success is placing priority status on the health and safety of our staff, students, and community. With that in mind, we reiterate that this will be a year of adjustments.

We have been […]

2020-07-23T15:16:06-04:00July 23rd, 2020|District News|

Update About Masks

Update About Masks

Dear staff and families of Oak Ridge Schools

Our goal at the beginning of this school year is to provide students with the maximum amount possible of direct teacher instruction time while keeping in mind the State and local health department COVID safety guidelines. We care deeply about our students and staff and know […]

2020-07-09T16:11:17-04:00July 9th, 2020|District News|

Anderson and Roane County Health Data

Most Recent Data for COVID-19 Cases in Anderson and Roane Counties

Data showing reported cases of COVID-19 for children in Anderson and Roane counties.


Both Anderson and Roane counties are below the threshold for acceptable disease transmission within the community.


2020-07-06T14:37:09-04:00July 6th, 2020|District News|

Commitment to Respectful Culture

Dear families of Oak Ridge,
As you know from our recent communications regarding the creation of our Portrait of a Graduate, we wish to assure our community we value, support, and are committed to realizing the hopes and dreams of every Oak Ridge student. We […]
2020-06-11T14:39:56-04:00June 11th, 2020|District News|
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