2nd grade Newsletter

February 5th – 9th


Spelling Pattern

This week students will be

learning about words with

the consonant + le, al, or el syllable patterns. Examples include: puddle, saddle, bottle, table, noble, bridle, nickel, label, and global

High Frequency Words

High frequency words for this week are: along, with, never, who, run, around, them, second, tree, all, under, only, for, into, they, and before

Your child should be able to read the high frequency words with ease! We will ask them to read and spell the pattern words we are learning!


Upcoming Events:

February 5th– Classroom Group Pictures

February 14th– 8:00 am Family Breakfast

And 8:45 Kid of Promise Assembly

February 21&22 Parent Conferences


Notes from the Teacher

Some of you have requested a class list so your student can address valentines.  We will be sending a list soon.


Please try to make time for a parent conference. Conferences are scheduled for the 21st and 22nd of February. Your child’s teacher will be sending home a request that includes a date and a time. Please respond in a timely fashion. These requests will be coming home the week before conferences are scheduled.



Highlights for this week:


ELA Math
   Whole Group ReadingStudents will be learning about Polar bears this week.

    Phonics– Word Study. This week we will take a look at words that have the consonant + le, al, or el syllable pattern.  Examples of words are listed under the Spelling Pattern heading on this newsletter.

   Writing: We will be writing about our favorite books.

(Opinion Writing)

o    Module 4 Lesson 11- Represent subtraction with and without the decomposition of 1 ten as 10 ones with manipulatives

o    Module 4 lesson 12-Relate manipulative representation to a written method.

o    Module 4 lesson 13- Use math drawings to represent subtraction with and without decomposition and relate drawings to a written method.

o    Module 4 lesson 14- Represent subtraction with and without the decomposition when there is a three-digit minuend.





Ms. Aldridge, Mrs. Chenot, Ms. Lee, and Mrs. Wager