As a parent, you want to help your child do well on a test that matters. Here are some ideas:

* Talk to your teacher. Ask about your child’s strengths and get advice about addressing any weaknesses.

* Talk to your student. Find out where your student feels confident or where your child feels uncertain.

* Get to know the parent report. This new annual report will clearly tell you what your child has learned, should be learning next, and what should be done in the year ahead for continued growth. You and your child’s teacher can use the report to coordinate academic support in class and at home.

* Find more TNReady resources. Go to to get a copy of the Parent Guide. Visit for ideas to help your student at home and to receive information when there are TNReady parent events near you.

TNReady will help Tennessee students be ready for school. Ready for career. Ready for life.



Academic success is a journey. TNReady results are like mile markers that let you know each year the learning progress your child has made and how much farther there is to go.

Start: Your child takes TNReady every year in grades 3-11 in four subjects.

2: TNReady tests what has been taught. No test prep needed.

3: Beginning in 2018, parents will get TNReady score reports in the summer.

4: TNReady will help your student stay on track for the next grade and life after graduation.

5: For now, only a small portion of your student’s grades will be based on TNReady.

6: TNReady assessments happen at the end of the class or course.

7: Teachers will analyze TNReady scores to help tailor instruction for your child next year.

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