

2022 Spelling Bee Results

On Tuesday, January 11, forty-one students from Robertsville Middle School participated in the 2022 Spelling Bee. Sixth grader Quentin Delmau won the contest by correctly spelling the word aversion in the tenth round of the bee. David Schlesser, also a sixth grader, placed second.

Good luck to Quentin as he prepares to compete in the […]

2022-01-12T08:44:23-05:00January 12th, 2022|School News|

Mira Kimmelman Contest Winners

Learning from the Holocaust

The Tennessee Holocaust Commission announces the winners of the first Mira Kimmelman ‘Learning from the Holocaust’ essay and project contest.

Mira Kimmelman challenged students to reflect upon the history of the Holocaust and contemporary examples of injustice for over fifty years. The contest continues her work and legacy, asking Tennessee students to create […]

2021-11-12T07:13:53-05:00November 10th, 2021|District News, School News|

Oak Ridge Schools STEM Committee

Oak Ridge Schools STEM Committee

What is STEM Education in Oak Ridge Schools?

When most people first hear the word STEM, they immediately think of the acronym: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. And while Oak Ridge Schools provides numerous opportunities for students to experience STEM-specific content in Elementary, Middle, and High School, true STEM Education is a […]

2021-11-10T10:56:50-05:00November 10th, 2021|District News, School News|

Yearbook Ads

Attention parents of 8th grade students–Personal yearbook ads are now available for purchase ! Ads are $40 and are available on a first come, first served basis. The deadline to order and pay for ads is December 1st. Please see details and complete the order form here: 8th Grade Yearbook Ads.

2021-11-04T07:30:13-04:00November 4th, 2021|School News|

Federal Forms

Attention all families employed as federal workers or actively serving in the military are strongly encouraged to complete the Federal Impact form which is located in Skyward Parent Account. Examples of federal employees are CNS-Y12, DOE, ORNL, UT-Battelle, and several others. Completing this form provides the documentation needed to secure additional funding to Oak […]

2021-10-24T19:52:17-04:00October 24th, 2021|School News|

Vaccine Clinic Information

The Anderson County Health Department and the Oak Ridge School System have partnered to provide seasonal influenza (flu) vaccinations for staff and students. If your child is uninsured, there is no cost to you for the flu vaccine. If your child is covered by insurance, including TennCare and private insurance, the Anderson County Health Department […]

2021-09-22T12:39:44-04:00September 22nd, 2021|District News, School News|

Registration and Orientation FY22

All students new to Oak Ridge Schools need to register at their respective schools Monday, July 5, 2021 through Wednesday, July 14, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon.   Parents who pre-registered kindergartners in May also need to complete the registration process on those dates.

Registration for new students in grades 9 -12 will be made […]

2021-07-05T15:54:54-04:00July 5th, 2021|District News|
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