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7th Graders Meet Author Linda Sue Park

On Friday, May 18, nearly forty Robertsville Middle School students and four teachers had the privilege of hearing Linda Sue Park, author of A Long Walk to Water and A Single Shard, at Willow Brook Elementary School. We would again like to thank WBES librarian Lisa Meidl and the staff at WBES for allowing us […]

2018-05-20T21:17:01-04:00May 20th, 2018|School News|

Principal Appointment Announced

Oak Ridge Schools Superintendent Dr. Bruce Borchers today announced the appointment of Dr. Kirk Renegar as principal of Robertsville Middle School effective July 1, 2018. An interview committee comprised of Robertsville and central office staff selected Dr. Renegar following the screening of applications and interviews of selected candidates. Dr. Renegar replaces outgoing principal, Mr. Garfield […]

2018-05-14T20:09:08-04:00May 14th, 2018|School News|

Robertsville Middle Success at TSA Competition

The Robertsville Middle School chapter of the Technology Student Association competed in 26 team and individual events at the 2018 state TSA conference in Chattanooga from April 11 – April 14, 2018.

With over a 1,000 competitors in attendance, RMS represented the Oak Ridge and Robertsville community well by receiving top-3 finishes in 18 of […]

2018-05-02T17:21:06-04:00May 2nd, 2018|School News|

Author Jason Reynolds Visits Robertsville

Jason Reynolds, an award-winning author of books for children and teens, visited Robertsville Middle School on Monday, April 2. Mr. Reynolds has written ten books for middle school readers. His novels have been recognized with such prestigious awards as the National Book Award Finalist, the Kirkus Prize, the Coretta Scott King Award, the Schneider Family […]

2018-04-03T05:40:43-04:00April 3rd, 2018|School News|

RMS Students to Send CubeSat into Space

In November of last year, a team of Robertsville middle students, educators, and Oak Ridge scientists submitted a proposal to NASA for their Cube Satellite Launch Initiative (CSLI) in hopes of sending a student-designed nanosatellite named, “RamSat” into space. NASA’s CSLI provides opportunities for small satellite payloads built by various schools and non-profit organizations […]

2018-03-19T11:37:09-04:00March 9th, 2018|School News|

Author Jason Reynolds to Visit RMS

Jason Reynolds, an award-winning author of books for children and teens, will visit Robertsville Middle School on Monday, April 2. Mr. Reynolds has written ten books for middle school readers. His novels have been recognized with such prestigious awards as the National Book Award Finalist, the Kirkus Prize, the Coretta Scott King Award, the Schneider […]

2018-03-08T12:46:26-05:00March 8th, 2018|School News|

RMS Service Project

The students at Robertsville Middle School are turning pillowcases into dresses to send to girls in Africa. The RMS students know that this project is more than just sending dresses…it’s about sending hope! Rams are coming in before school starts to get their sewing on…the more pillowcases we have, the more dresses we’ll make. If […]

2018-02-07T11:56:43-05:00February 7th, 2018|School News|

Spelling Bee Results

The Robertsville Middle School Spelling Bee was held on Tuesday, January 23. Eighty-one students participated in the bee. After five rounds, four students–sixth graders Emily Salko, Noa Duke, Sophie Sluss, and Ahna Wurm–remained in the bee. Sophie and Noa were eliminated in the the 7th round. After forty-five rounds (an RMS record!), Emily won the […]

2018-01-24T09:22:48-05:00January 24th, 2018|School News|

Dr. O’Connor Named RMS Teacher of the Year

Dr. Bob O’Connor has been named Teacher of the Year at Robertsville Middle School. He teaches 5-8 Special Education. Dr. O’Connor teaches students who have struggled in school environments that do not account for or address their disabilities. His classroom practices focus on fostering individual needs and providing a therapeutic environment for optimal mental health. […]

2018-01-23T11:21:31-05:00January 23rd, 2018|School News|

Matt Kitts Wins Geography Bee

Seventh grader Matt Kitts won the 2017 Robertsville Middle School Geographic Bee for the third year in a row. Sean Gilbert, also a seventh grader, finished as the first runner-up in the bee. Fifth grader Jayden Davis placed third. Matt will go on to represent RMS at the Tennessee State Geographic Bee in Nashville in […]

2017-11-18T11:44:51-05:00November 1st, 2017|School News|
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