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Christy Free Appointed Vice Principal at RMS

Mrs. Christy Free has been selected to serve as the Vice Principal of Robertsville Middle School beginning July 1, 2019. Mrs. Free holds Educational Specialist degree from Lincoln Memorial University and Masters of Education degree from Milligan College. She received her Bachelor of Computer Engineering degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Mrs. […]

2019-07-09T15:21:24-04:00July 9th, 2019|School News|

RMS Ninjaneers Excel at Robotics Competition

The Robertsville Middle School robotics team, the Ninjaneers (team 8837), recently competed in the Alabama Robotics Conference in Huntsville along with the team from Oak Ridge High School. The Ninjaneers started off strongly by winning the first two qualifying matches and was ranked first at the end of the qualifying rounds. They continued to perform […]

2019-01-30T12:59:33-05:00January 30th, 2019|School News|

Spelling Bee Results

On Tuesday, January 22, 7th grader Sophie Sluss won the 2019 RMS Spelling Bee by successfully spelling the word manuscript in the 31st round. 8th grader Jaden Jones finished 2nd in the bee, and Noa Duke placed 3rd. Jaden won the RMS bee as a 6th grader. Sophie and Jaden did an incredible job spelling […]

2019-01-23T08:27:18-05:00January 22nd, 2019|School News|

School Bus Stop Safety Resources

The state of Tennessee is committed to helping districts and charter schools provide the safest transportation services possible for all children with the goal of zero student injury accidents. The shortened days of winter leave our students even more vulnerable to those who illegally pass a stopped school bus, and we want to do all […]

2019-01-11T05:19:26-05:00January 11th, 2019|School News|

My Stop App Announcement

We are pleased to announce that you now have access to the Versatrans My Stop App. The My Stop App provides parents mobile access to bus information. This app displays the location of the user’s assigned school bus, as well as the estimated time of arrival to their stop. Students can plan […]

2018-12-05T05:05:30-05:00December 5th, 2018|School News|

RMS 8th Grader Wins Art Award

Each year, the Knoxville Museum of Art hosts an annual student art exhibit. This show is for middle and high school art students from East Tennessee. This year, Robertsville Middle School 8th grader Rainee Mitchell won Best Middle School Piece for her work entitled “A Drawn Reality.” Rainee will receive a cash prize and have […]

2018-11-18T06:14:14-05:00November 15th, 2018|School News|

Matt Kitts Wins RMS Geography Bee

8th grader Matt Kitts won the RMS Geography Bee on Friday, November 9 by defeating nine other students. Matt has won the Geography Bee for four consecutive years. 8th grader Joe Blair placed second in the competition. Matt will go on to represent RMS at the State Geography Bee in the spring. Greg Hamilton is […]

2018-11-09T14:13:28-05:00November 9th, 2018|School News|

Author Visit with Marc Tyler Nobleman

On Thursday, November 8, Robertsville hosted Marc Tyler Nobleman. Author of numerous non-fiction titles for middle grade readers, Mr. Nobleman presented to 5th and 6th graders and some specially invited 7th and 8th graders in the morning. He also conducted a question and answer session with students from Ms. Kinder-McMillan’s Creative Writing/Journalism class and Mr. […]

2018-11-09T13:22:01-05:00October 28th, 2018|School News|

Naka Shi Exchange

On Monday, August 20, a delegation of students and adults from Naka Shi, Japan arrived in Oak Ridge for the annual Sister City Exchange. In July, ten students and two staff chaperones from Jefferson and Robertsville Middle Schools traveled to Japan for the first part of the exchange program. Nicholas Podar, Zach Zichko, Laurel Hetrick, […]

2018-08-22T08:29:00-04:00August 22nd, 2018|School News|
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