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Jaden Jones Wins Spelling Bee

On Tuesday, January 11, 6th grader Jaden Jones won the 2017 Robertsville Spelling Bee by correctly spelling the word predominant. 5th grader Noa Duke, 6th grader Sean Gilbert, and 8th grader Tyler Thomas all tied for 2nd place. 79 students participated in this year’s bee. Jaden qualifies for the regional spelling bee to be held in Knoxville […]

2017-01-12T20:43:50-05:00January 12th, 2017|School News|

Congratulations to Julie Kinder, Robertsville 8th grade English teacher

Congratulations to Julie Kinder, Roberstville Middle School 8th grade English teacher who received a scholarship to attend the Literacy Research Association conference in Nashville.

Tennessee Department of Education, in partnership with the Literacy Research Association (LRA), offered scholarships for 15 Tennessee educators in K-12 schools to attend the 2016 LRA conference in Nashville. The theme of the […]

2016-12-21T15:01:14-05:00December 21st, 2016|School News|

Matt Kitts Wins Geography Bee

Sixth grader Matt Kitts won the RMS Geographic Bee for the second year in a row. Matt won in the tie-breaker round with eighth grader Adison White. London Asquith, a sixth grader, placed third. Matt will now start to prepare for a spot in the state geography bee. Mr. Greg Hamilton sponsors the Geography Bee […]

2016-12-30T11:21:30-05:00December 21st, 2016|School News|
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