We have four more days of Term 3 before Spring Break! We are excited for the week ahead and incredibly proud of the success our students have had in Term 3. Please be sure to remind your students at home about the importance of finishing strong – we have worked so hard to achieve great things academically, behaviorally, and socially. Encourage students to take the time this week to finish any closing assignments, turn in late or missing work, and be at school every day.
The ORHS Performing Arts Center is celebrating the fine arts with an art show and concert tomorrow night at ORHS – many of our middle school students have artwork that will be on display! Don’t miss out on this special event. See the flyer below for more information.
Many of our students have expressed interest in the NCAA Black History Month essay contest. Please encourage your student to take a few minutes this week or during Spring Break to participate in this annual contest. There is a flyer in the newsletter below for those interested.
School attendance is continuing to improve at RMS! The ORS Board of Education recently recognized Robertsville Middle School and Linden Elementary school for having the lowest number of student absences this past reporting period. Thank you for recognizing the importance of students coming to school and be sure to finish strong this week. Every day is important for us to stay on track this school year to reach our goal! Remember – students that miss more than 18 days of school are considered chronically absent and are at risk of falling behind grade level learning expectations.
Thank you so much to the many students and families that joined our staff and took the time last week to provide feedback on our school. We will utilize the results in the coming months as we begin closing out this school year and taking steps to prepare for next year!
The next Ram Report will be published by Sunday, March 24th prior to students returning from Spring Break. As a reminder, Spring Break is from March 11-25. Students will return to school on Tuesday, March 26th.
As always, please reach out if there is anything we can do to better support our students and families. Have a great evening and a wonderful week!