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Congratulations Oak Ridge Schools Teachers of the Year

The Tennessee Teacher of the Year program is designed to promote recognition, respect and appreciation for outstanding teachers in Tennessee, to stimulate interest in teaching as a career, and to encourage public involvement in education.  Each year, the Tennessee Department of Education applauds teachers who care about children, who devote their professional lives to enriching […]

2020-02-06T19:48:07+00:00February 5th, 2020|District News, School News|

My Stop App.

We are pleased to announce that you now have access to the Versatrans My Stop App. The My Stop App provides parents mobile access to bus information. This app displays the location of the user’s assigned school bus, as well as the estimated time of arrival to their stop. Students can plan […]

2018-12-03T17:53:53+00:00December 3rd, 2018|School News|
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