


JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #7

Midterms! As a reminder, we will not be sending home paper copies. Instead, on Friday afternoon, we sent an email and a phone call reminding you that Midterms were posted to Skyward. We encourage parents to look at Skyward weekly for grade updates.

August 28th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #6

Midterms are this week! We will not be sending home paper copies. Instead, on Friday afternoon, we will send you an email and a phone call reminding you that Midterms have been posted to Skyward. We encourage parents to look at Skyward weekly for grade updates.

August 21st, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #5

Our staff and students have been consumed and engaged each day with new technology, high levels of learning, and maximized engagement. Each day, students are immersed in JMS classrooms that provide the very best opportunities for academic excellence. We take pride in our teachers, our cultures, and our students.

August 14th, 2023|School News|
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