JMS Eagles Newsletter #33
We in are our final regular week before we start TCAP testing. Our teachers will be pushing to teach remaining standards and review hard with your students. TCAPs are one of the ways in which we measure your student's progress. It is important, but YOUR STUDENT IS MORE THAN A TCAP score.
JMS Eagles Newsletter #32
Our teachers spent Monday of last week reviewing student scores and data in the most meaningful ways to best prepare our students for end of year TCAPs. We also kicked of our final data snapshot meetings last week, meeting with Math and ELA teachers. We want our families to know that teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators work together alongside of you to ensure we are maximizing your child's potential in every area.
JMS Eagles Newsletter #30
As we approach our two-week calendar break, we will be busy with testing in the building this short four-day week. Our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade benchmark testing is happening each day. Remember, these tests are formative so that we can best carry on with instruction based on the data. We appreciate your help in ensuring that students are well- prepared, present, and on time each day.