JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #30
With TCAP state standardized testing just three weeks away, we want to assure you that we are here to support your child every step of the way. Our dedicated teachers are implementing targeted review sessions and providing additional resources to help students feel confident and prepared.
Educators Surprised with over $36,000 in ORPSEF Grants
Oak Ridge Educators Surprised with over $36,000 in Grant Funds Before heading into Spring Break, the Oak Ridge Public Schools Education Foundation (ORPSEF) surprised ORS educators with fourteen grants totaling over $36,000 to be used [...]
JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #29
We hope that everyone has had a fantastic week of school. Teachers will start closing out the term, so be sure to discuss with your students when the final deadlines are for grades. Benchmarks are wrapping up this week as well, with make ups happening in class. We have a number of field trips and our first track meet and cool Spring-ish weather.