JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #23
We hope that you will be staying warm in the week to come, as temperatures will drop significantly. Your Admin team will be out front, but we will quickly get your students indoors. Our building is warm, BUT please check with your students on their wardrobe. In the event of a fire alarm evacuation, they will be quite cold.
JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #22
We hope everyone got some good sledding and snowman building in. We are in for a busy week. Your Jefferson team has hit the ground running and are busy planning and instructing. With a basketball game, the Spelling Bee, the First Lego League Atomic Opening and much more this week.
JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #21
We are here to help them grow and succeed, with your vital support. If you or your student needs anything, REACH OUT to your teachers. Use Parent Square or email. Make a phone call to the building, and we will send you to teacher voicemails for them to respond to later. The partnership between parents and teachers are what drive our students to great success.