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ORS Highly Rated by TDOE New Letter Grade System

Oak Ridge Schools were among the highest rated schools in the state according to the Tennessee Department of Education’s (TDOE) new Letter Grade Rating System, released earlier today. Six Oak Ridge schools earned an “A” letter grade, the highest possible rating, and three earned perfect Level 5 scores in every scored component contributing to the […]

2023-12-21T13:21:54-05:00December 21st, 2023|District News, School News|

JMS Eagles Newsletter #20

Math and Social Studies Benchmarks are Monday and Tuesday, with Makeups happening for the remainder of the week. Remember, benchmarks are FORMATIVE assessments. We use them to guide instruction, plan for intervention, and monitor student progress

2023-12-11T08:01:10-05:00December 11th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagles Newsletter #19

As you may already know, the benchmark tests are coming up this week. These tests are designed to measure the students’ mastery of the essential skills and standards for their grade level. They are also an opportunity for us to identify the areas of strength and growth for each student, and to provide them with the […]

2023-12-04T07:52:38-05:00December 4th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagles Newsletter #17

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your continued support and involvement in your child’s education. We are proud of the achievements and progress that our students have made so far, and we look forward to celebrating their successes with you.

2023-11-20T08:06:14-05:00November 20th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagles Newsletter #16

Remember, we do not send home paper midterms. You will receive a Skyalert message on Friday reminding you to take a look at Skyward. Midterms are a point in time snapshot of what your student's grades looked like at the end of day on Wednesday. If you have questions about grades, please reach out to your student's teachers.

2023-11-13T08:10:12-05:00November 13th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagles Newsletter #15

We are finding ourselves pushing toward our mid-term of Term 2, and our classrooms are alive with learning and engagement. Please continue to check Skyward and Canvas for grades and class assignments as we push toward our Thanksgiving break.

2023-11-06T08:01:50-05:00November 6th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagles Newsletter #14

We strive to inform, celebrate, build community and bring awareness as we work together for your child. Be sure to take some time this week to pause, enjoy some cider or explore a nature path. Be filled with gratitude. We are certainly so grateful for our families!

2023-10-30T08:22:54-04:00October 30th, 2023|School News|
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