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JMS Parent Newsletter January 2-5

Welcome back to the spring semester! Though the cold temperatures over the last two weeks may not feel like Spring, we are now in semester 2. We hope you and your students have had a relaxing and renewing break. The staff at JMS has been using that same time to rejuvenate ourselves so we can give your students the academic opportunities to grow.

2023-01-03T09:20:51-05:00January 3rd, 2023|School News|

JMS Newsletter Dec 12- 16

We have caught a spirit of celebration here at JMS this past week. We celebrated goal achievement across subjects, we celebrated our new students with donuts or pizza and a platform for feedback, and our staff celebrated success among departments and grade levels.

2022-12-12T08:01:56-05:00December 12th, 2022|School News|

JMS Newsletter Dec 5-9

Is Winter Break and the end of Term 2 really in two weeks? We certainly see signs everywhere at JMS! We are preparing for our Winter Benchmark in all core classes, gearing up for our 7th/8th grader Chorus Holiday Concert and 5th grade Orchestra Concert, and celebrating the seasonโ€™s cheer as we go!

2022-12-05T07:34:16-05:00December 5th, 2022|School News|

JMS Newsletter November 14-18

We can hardly believe we are in the middle of Term 2! Midterms WILL NOT go home on paper this year. As we look at how we deliver our grades, JMS staff realized that by the time the printed piece of paper made it home (if it gets there at all) the grades have already changed! With Skyward and Canvas, you receive updates just as soon as teachers post grades. Additionally, the cost of printing and paper usage keeps going up. So, going forward we will NOT PRINT midterm reports. You will receive an email and Sky alert phone call alerting you that midterms are finalized.

2022-11-14T08:06:16-05:00November 14th, 2022|School News|

JMS Parent Newsletter November 7-11

Research proves that "reading at home for at least twenty minutes a day has significant academic benefits." Another way to help your children grow academically and emotionally is to "Set and enforce screen-time limits and steer children toward reading, exercise, and play instead."

2022-11-09T10:43:51-05:00November 9th, 2022|School News|

JMS Newsletter Oct 31 – Nov 4

Another week has flown by us, but not without growth, success, and achievement! We are thankful for the conversations and collaboration during parent teacher conferences, and we are always honored to serve our students alongside of our families. We truly appreciate your feedback, questions, and suggestions in our shared goal of success for your children. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, as we approach the holiday season, we say, "Thank you so very much".

2022-10-31T08:09:40-04:00October 31st, 2022|School News|

JMS Parent Newsletter Oct 24-29

We never want to miss an opportunity to express our gratitude to all of our parents and families. With the season of thanksgiving not too far away, we are reminded of blessings, and we believe our community of family support is second to none!

2022-10-24T09:33:55-04:00October 24th, 2022|School News|
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