District News

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Registration and Orientation

All students new to Oak Ridge Schools need to register at their respective schools Monday, July 8, 2019 through Wednesday, July 17, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon. Parents who pre-registered kindergartners in May also need to complete the registration process on those dates.

Registration for new students in grades 9 -12 will be made […]

2019-06-26T13:53:46-04:00June 26th, 2019|District News|

TVA Partnership Awards STEM Grants to Oak Ridge Middle Schools

NASHVILLE, Tenn. ― The Tennessee Valley Authority, in partnership with Bicentennial Volunteers Incorporated (a TVA retiree organization), recently awarded Jefferson and Robertsville Middle Schools each $5,000 for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education projects. The grant award is a part of $580,000 in competitive STEM grants awarded to 161 schools across TVA’s seven-state service […]

2019-05-08T18:45:19-04:00May 8th, 2019|District News|

Cross-Boundary and Tuition Application Forms

Open enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year begins on April 1 and ends on April 19. You will need to complete the appropriate application and return it to Pupil Services or to your child’s school. If your child currently has a tuition or cross boundary application that was approved for the current school […]

2019-03-30T07:45:36-04:00March 29th, 2019|District News|

Teacher Assistants of the Year 2019

Teacher Assistants

In Oak Ridge Schools, we value the teacher assistants who assist student growth through supervision of on-going activities related to curriculum, organization of lessons, and preparation of materials for instruction. They reinforce skills in small groups and moderate discussions. They plan and supervise field trips, oversee public activities, and make learning spaces more attractive […]

2019-03-30T01:28:26-04:00March 29th, 2019|District News|

Principal of the Year – Phil Cox

Mr. Phil Cox
Principal – Jefferson Middle School

Mr. Cox began his career in education in 1986 as a graduate coach at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. Later in 1986, and for the next five years, he served as head basketball coach and coordinator of athletic funds at Lincoln Memorial University. After leaving LMU, Mr. Cox taught a […]

2019-02-22T14:34:50-05:00February 22nd, 2019|District News|

Teachers of the Year

The Tennessee Teacher of the Year program is designed to promote recognition, respect and appreciation for outstanding teachers in Tennessee, to stimulate interest in teaching as a career, and to encourage public involvement in education. 

2019-02-05T17:49:16-05:00February 4th, 2019|District News|

Turkey Trot Rescheduled

It’s time for the 2018 Annual

Turkey Trot!

The Oak Ridge Schools Turkey Trot has been rescheduled to November 19 due to forecast of thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon. If you were planning to attend or volunteer please mark your calendars for November 19.

The event will still be held at Robertsville Middle School. Registration will begin at 4pm […]

2018-11-07T17:06:36-05:00October 17th, 2018|District News|

Google Translate Feature Now Available

In an effort to better support our families, we now have Google Translate on all of our Oak Ridge Schools web pages.

To use this feature, click the “Translate” icon at the bottom of the screen and flags will appear in alphabetical order.

Click the flag for the desired language, and the page text will be translated […]

2018-08-21T08:19:46-04:00August 21st, 2018|District News|
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