

About ehaverkamp

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So far ehaverkamp has created 182 blog entries.

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #9

At Oak Ridge Schools we are committed to continuous improvement and look for tools that assess how we're serving our students and discover areas for us, as educators and administrators, to improve. One of the best ways to do that is by using surveys to gather information directly from our students. According to Senate Bill 1443/House Bill 0727, we are required to make you aware of a couple of surveys that your student will be asked to complete this year.

2023-09-18T08:43:32-04:00September 11th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #8

Hello, Jefferson Middle School families and parents! We hope you will be enjoying the Labor Day holiday and weekend! Our Eagles here at JMS, adults and students, are certain we experienced a hint of Fall a couple mornings. As we anticipate a change in seasons, we look forward to all the Autumn.

2023-09-05T08:14:13-04:00September 5th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #7

Midterms! As a reminder, we will not be sending home paper copies. Instead, on Friday afternoon, we sent an email and a phone call reminding you that Midterms were posted to Skyward. We encourage parents to look at Skyward weekly for grade updates.

2023-08-28T07:55:41-04:00August 28th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #6

Midterms are this week! We will not be sending home paper copies. Instead, on Friday afternoon, we will send you an email and a phone call reminding you that Midterms have been posted to Skyward. We encourage parents to look at Skyward weekly for grade updates.

2023-08-21T08:07:23-04:00August 21st, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #5

Our staff and students have been consumed and engaged each day with new technology, high levels of learning, and maximized engagement. Each day, students are immersed in JMS classrooms that provide the very best opportunities for academic excellence. We take pride in our teachers, our cultures, and our students.

2023-08-14T14:54:57-04:00August 14th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #4

The JMS administrative team is here to support students, teachers, and families. If you need anything, please reach out to us. As always, we thank our parents and our staff for what they do to help our students be the best they can be.

2023-08-07T08:32:55-04:00August 7th, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #3

We believe that families are one of the most powerful learning accelerators, and we strive to build and strengthen those relationships every day. We would love to see all of your faces at our Open House this Tuesday!

2023-07-31T13:41:13-04:00July 31st, 2023|School News|

JMS Eagle Eye Newsletter #2

For this 2023-2024 school year, we are focused on expanding the academic success of all of our students while giving them opportunities to engage in high interest programs and activities. All of this to help your student develop into the young men and women of limitless potential that you and we know they can be.

2023-07-25T10:40:05-04:00July 25th, 2023|School News|

JMS Parent Newsletter #1

We are gearing up with great anticipation to welcome our JMS students next week! We want to take some time to say thank you to all of our parents and families for your continued support of ORS mission and JMS Eagles. Next week's newsletter will feature an introduction to our new Dean of Students and our new teachers, as our team has grown.

2023-07-18T10:59:13-04:00July 18th, 2023|School News|
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