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School News2024-11-18T07:55:16-05:00


Wildcat iNews 8/12/2024

For our new families, we encourage you to pay close attention to the Operation Restoration announcement which is our program to encourage students to turn in ALL of their assignments. Today begins lunch detentions for students failure to wear the student ID badge. This is a requirement. Please watch Mr. Hawkins’ announcement in today’s iNews.

August 12th, 2024|School News|

Wildcat iNews 8/5/2024

FREE & REDUCED LUNCH INFORMATION The Free and Reduced meal applications are now available online in the Skyward Family Portal. It is very important for families at JMS, WES, and ORHS, where our students do not eat Free, to complete the application.

August 5th, 2024|School News|
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