Wildcat iNews 5/1/2023
GRADUATION SUPPLIES - PICK UP ASAP Students who did not pick up graduation supplies on Thursday, April 6, should see Mrs. Ledden in CS347 to pick up the supplies. Any student who does not have the cap & gown set required for graduation should see Mrs. Ledden ASAP.
Wildcat iNews 4/24/2023
Tickets to Prom 2023, Luminous Nights, will be on sale in the Arena Kiosk April 24th - 27th during 3rd period at the price of $40 for singles and $80 for couples. Tickets WILL NOT be sold Friday April 28th or Saturday April 29th. All tickets are NON-TRANSFERABLE and NON-REFUNDABLE **If your date is not a current ORHS student you must complete a Guest Application form found in Ms. Eidam Dyer’s room, LC 313, Student Services, or at Ticket Sales. All forms must be completed and turned in with a copy of the guest’s ID to Student Services by April 26th.
Wildcat iNews 4/17/2023
TNREADY TESTING BEGINS TUESDAY- If a student is enrolled in the tested subject area for the day, the student will begin school and testing at 7:50 a.m. If a student is NOT enrolled in the tested subject (s) for that day, the student may arrive after testing concludes. All classes will meet on an abbreviated schedule each day following testing. Attendance to these classes is mandatory for all students. Students will test online this year using their school devices.