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Wildcat iNews 8/14/2023

STAFF LOT AND REAR AUDITORIUM LOT - NOT DROP OFF LOCATIONS Parents, the staff parking lot on the east end of the campus on Providence Road and the area behind the Auditorium are NOT a drop off or pick up lots. Please use the ONLY the Wildcat Arena lot or the front loop to drop off or pick up students.

August 14th, 2023|School News|

Wildcat iNews 8.7.2023

ATTENDANCE NOTES Parents, every time a student is absent, please send a note the day they return. Failure to send a parent note/doctor's note/court note within three (3) days will result in the day being unexecused. Parents can write 7 parent notes per year. Notes can be dropped in the attendance office, or in the "mailbox" in the Visual Arts hallway

August 11th, 2023|School News|

Wildcat iNews 7.31.2023

YEARBOOK IS ON SALE NOW! Purchase the Oak Log for the lowest price of the year right now. Prices will increase throughout the year. Purchase it on a payment plan for $65.00 before Labor Day.

July 31st, 2023|School News|
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