Wildcat iNews 8/14/2023
STAFF LOT AND REAR AUDITORIUM LOT - NOT DROP OFF LOCATIONS Parents, the staff parking lot on the east end of the campus on Providence Road and the area behind the Auditorium are NOT a drop off or pick up lots. Please use the ONLY the Wildcat Arena lot or the front loop to drop off or pick up students.
Wildcat iNews 8.7.2023
ATTENDANCE NOTES Parents, every time a student is absent, please send a note the day they return. Failure to send a parent note/doctor's note/court note within three (3) days will result in the day being unexecused. Parents can write 7 parent notes per year. Notes can be dropped in the attendance office, or in the "mailbox" in the Visual Arts hallway
Wildcat iNews 7.31.2023
YEARBOOK IS ON SALE NOW! Purchase the Oak Log for the lowest price of the year right now. Prices will increase throughout the year. Purchase it on a payment plan for $65.00 before Labor Day.