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Wildcat iNews 9/25/2023

This will be the last issue until after Fall Break. Enjoy your time together. We will welcome students back on Tuesday, October 17th. Seniors will be taking the ACT on that day. Picture make-ups will be on Wednesday, October 18th.

September 25th, 2023|School News|

Wildcat iNews 9/18/2023

Wildcat families, Are you a federal employee? Do you work at a federal facility? If so, please complete the Federal Impact Aid form to ensure Oak Ridge Schools receives all the funding possible. It is located in today’s iNews.

September 18th, 2023|School News|

Wildcat iNews 9/5/2023

SENIOR SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST The tradition continues! It’s time for the Senior Shirt Design Contest—the shirt that every senior gets to sign. Please submit your designs for the Class of 2024 Senior Shirt to Mrs. Ledden in Room CS347 by Thursday, September 21. You do not have to be a senior to submit designs for the shirt—open to all grade levels!

September 5th, 2023|School News|
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