Wildcat iNews 11.13.2023
MONDAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ORDER SENIOR SIGNATURE GEAR! Seniors will receive a YELLOW form on Monday to order signature gear. Orders will be taken in the Arena Concessions’ Kiosk November 1-3 and November 6-10. Orders may also be given to me. Final date to order—Monday, November 13th at 3:15. Orders should be given to Mrs. Ledden in CS 347 or Mrs. Thompson (Office in Student Services).
Wildcat iNews 11/6/2023
SENIOR SHIRT SIGNATURES Seniors: Do you need help submitting your signature for the senior shirt? If so, stop by CS347 immediately after school on Tuesday, November 7, or during 3A on Wednesday, November 8. Mrs. Ledden will help you get your signature submitted. You can also turn in orders at that time. NO SIGNATURES AFTER NOVEMBER 9TH; NO EXTRA SHIRTS WILL BE ORDERED!
Wildcat iNews 10/30/23
AP Exam Payments will be taken this week (October 30th-November 3rd) during lunch in the lobby. This order window is only for students who currently have an AP class. If you have an AP course that begins in January, you will pay for and order those exams during the Spring Semester.