Wildcat iNews 1/25/2024
YEARBOOKS - ONLY 100 COPIES REMAIN Yearbooks can be purchased ONLINE ONLY for $80.00 until February 29th. After this date, any copies remaining will be sold for $85.00 CASH ONLY on distribution day. Orders can be placed at
Wildcat iNews 1/8/2024
Wildcat Families: Don’t forget we have a Monday holiday next week in celebration of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. SENIOR PARENTS – TNPROMISE MEETING TUESDAY AFTER SCHOOL AT 3:40 IN THE FOOD COURT.
Wildcat iNews 1/4/2023
SENIORS TN PROMISE MEETING REQUIRED Seniors will be required to check-in for the meeting. This is a required meeting to retain the TnPromise Scholarship. Meeting Date: 01/09/2024 -Meeting Start Time: 3:40 PM-Meeting Location: Oak Ridge High School - Cafeteria