School News

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School News2024-11-18T07:55:16-05:00


Wildcat iNews 7/22/2024

We welcome everyone to the 2024-25 school year. The iNews is intended to provide information to our parents to keep you informed of news and celebrations. The iNews will transfer to ParentSquare in the coming weeks as we work on the kinks. We hope all students and parents have a great first week of school.

July 22nd, 2024|School News|

Wildcat iNews 7/15/2024

We welcome everyone to the 2024-25 school year. The iNews is FULL of parent information and checklists of items that need attention. Please review the iNews carefully in preparation for the first day of school. Next week we will share the many celebrations of our students that have occurred this summer. As usual, they have represented their families, ORHS, and the Oak Ridge community extremely well. Enjoy your last week before school routines begin next week.

July 15th, 2024|School News|

Wildcat iNews 5/28/2024

We made it! The 23-24 school year will be in the books on Wednesday. Final exams are Tuesday and Wednesday. Students will require a note to leave early after exams are completed. Students failing a class can sign up for summer school. Information is contained in the iNews. Have a great summer.

May 28th, 2024|School News|
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