May 18
Friday, May 18, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Summer School registration packets are now available. Students, you can find them in the main office, student services or in the Counseling office. [...]
May 17
Thursday, May 17, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO The Driving Center will be running two Driver Education Classes this summer. The first starting June 4th and the second starting July 9th. [...]
May 16
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO There will be a meeting for students and their parents/guardians who are taking ROTC for the first time next year, it will be [...]
May 14
Monday, May 14, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO The Driving Center will be running two Driver Education Classes this summer. The first starting June 4th and the second starting July 9th. [...]
May 11
Friday, May 11, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Students and Staff: we have AP World Language exams with speaking and listening portions that will be proctored here at ORHS. During these [...]
May 10
Thursday, May 10, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Students and Staff: we have AP World Language exams with speaking and listening portions that are being proctored here at ORHS. During these [...]
May 8
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Students and Staff: we have AP World Language exams with speaking and listening portions that will be proctored here at ORHS beginning this [...]
May 7
Monday, May 7, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO There will be a meeting for students and their parents/guardians who are taking ROTC for the first time next year, it will be [...]
May 3
Thursday, May 3, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO The Driving Center will be running two Driver Education Classes this summer. The first starting June 4th and the second starting July 9th. [...]
May 2
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO This is a reminder that the only parking lot that is available for student parking at Central Baptist Church is the lot closest [...]
May 1
Tuesday, May 1, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Want to see the cover of this year’s yearbook? Come by the display case outside of Byrd’s room, CS328, and take a peek! [...]
April 30
Monday, April 30, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Students taking AP exams: please see your AP teachers for the location of your exam. This information is also in the iNews and [...]
April 27
Friday, April 27, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO The Driving Center will be running two Driver Education Classes this summer. The first starting June 4th and the second starting July 9th. [...]
April 26
Thursday, April 26, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Students taking the AP Exams: Today is your last day to attend one of the mandatory pre-administration sessions to fill out all paperwork [...]
April 25
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Students taking the AP Exams: please plan to attend one of the 6 pre-administration sessions this week to fill out all paperwork for [...]
April 17
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO The Driving Center will be running two Driver Education Classes this summer. The first starting June 4th and the second starting July 9th. [...]
April 12
Thursday, April 12, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Have you registered to vote yet? If you’re 18 years old and answered no then this is the time to do it! There [...]
April 10
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Come enjoy the Friends and Family Performance by the Oak Ridge Indoor Drumline, Winter Guard and Prep Guard. All three groups will be [...]
April 9
Monday, April 9, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Attention all students who are 18 years old or will be by November 6, 2018! The League of Women Voters will be here [...]
April 6
Friday, April 6, 2018 Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin STUDENT INFO Have you registered to vote yet? If you’re 18 years old and answered no then this is the time to do it! There [...]