Wildcat iNews 10/28/19
Deadline for spring AP exams is Friday.
Deadline for spring AP exams is Friday.
TNPromise deadline is November 1st! Don't miss this opportunity.
The attendance challenge continues.
With no football game on Friday night, take that special someone out to a free movie at Bissell Park!
Oak Ridge High School has five National Merit Semifinalists this year. We are very proud of these academically talented seniors. They now have the opportunity to continue in the National Merit Scholarship competition for some 7,600 scholarships worth more than $31 million. Over 1.5 million students entered the competition. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing […]
Homecoming 2019!
It's college week!
Honor those to whom honor is due.
Homecoming spirit week is coming!
Mid-term progress reports will be posted in Skyward by Friday.