


Wildcat iNews 5/28/2024

We made it! The 23-24 school year will be in the books on Wednesday. Final exams are Tuesday and Wednesday. Students will require a note to leave early after exams are completed. Students failing a class can sign up for summer school. Information is contained in the iNews. Have a great summer.

May 28th, 2024|School News|

Wildcat iNews 5/20/2024

Wildcat Families Students are wrapping up their studies this week. Final exams will be Tuesday and Wednesday, May 28th and 29th. Students failing to take these exams will receive a zero. Please make sure your student is in attendance. Wishing the Wildcats Baseball team and Track & Field team the best of luck as they head to the ‘Boro for State.

May 20th, 2024|School News|
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