Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin




Attention all 9th – 11th graders, you may now access registration information for next school year on your grade level Canvas page.  Complete your registration form with your parent/guardian and self-select your courses in Skyward through the end of the week.  You will be called to the Amphitheater to meet with your counselor next week to review your course selections. You must turn in your signed registration sheet to your counselor at that time. Be sure to refer to your grade level Canvas page for more detailed information. This information has also been shared via Parent Square.


Juniors and Seniors who are allowed to leave campus during the lunch period can join us for “Walk Over Wednesday” lunches at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. The cost is $3.


A fire can breakout with little or no warning. The more prepared you are, the safer you will be. Smoke detectors should be located on every floor of your home and near all places that you and your family sleep. Smoke detector batteries should be changed on a regular basis.


It’s that time again! After Spring Break, we’ll publish the next issue of Oak Ridge High School’s literary magazine, The Acorn, which is designed to showcase the creative talents of our students and staff- everything from fiction and poetry to the visual arts. Any ORHS student or staff member wishing to submit original creations for consideration in the next issue of The Acorn must email the file to All submissions must be received by 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 6. For more detailed information, including correct file formats, see Mr. Stebbins in CS339, look for the flyer on the Wildcat Hangout page, or see it in next week’s iNews.


Any students interested in participating in Work-Based Learning in Business, Welding, Information Technology, or STEM for 2025-2026 should attend the mandatory meeting after school today in room CS347 with Mrs. Ledden to begin the application process and to learn the specifics of the program.




Seniors: The time has come to select speakers for the ORHS Class of 2025 Graduation and Convocation ceremonies.  Tryouts will be virtual this year. For specific information about how to audition, please visit the Class of 2025 Canvas page and find the announcement regarding tryouts. The deadline to upload a submission to Canvas is April 4 at 3:00 p.m. -G. Flanders





German Club is meeting this Thursday, March 6th in Mrs. Nebenfuehr’s room from 3:15 until 4 pm.

We will have cake, games, music and good conversations!  Do you want to learn more about the Student exchange 2026?  Have you heard that Germany held elections and will get a new chancellor?  Come and learn more about it!  We always welcome new members.


Want to help your community and support one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the world? Come to the first ever ORHS Red Cross Club meeting today in LC110 right after school. See Dr. Thomas for more information.







The 2025 Oak Ridge Football Tryouts will be March 6th from 3:30 to 5:00 at ORHS. For any questions, please contact Coach Rang at