Thursday, September 5, 2024

Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin






Attention all Sophomores and Juniors:  The PSAT/NMSQT is an OPTIONAL test that will be offered to 10th and 11th graders on Tuesday, October 22nd at 7:50 a.m.  The test should end by 1:00 p.m. and the food court will be open at that time for students who take the test.  Online registration and fee payment will begin on Monday and run through September 10th.  The cost is $20 and no refunds are available if you do not take the test.  A limited number of exams are available so please sign up by the September 10th deadline.  Beginning on Monday you can click on the link on your class canvas page to register for the PSAT and pay your $20 fee. –     J. Milligan


Masquers is presenting Puffs, Or: Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic. For seven years a certain boy wizard went to a certain Wizard School and conquered evil. This, however, is not his story. This is the story of the Puffs… who just happened to be there too. A tale for anyone who has never been destined to save the world. This clever and inventive play “never goes more than a minute without a laugh” giving you a new look at a familiar adventure from the perspective of three potential heroes just trying to make it through a magic school that proves to be very dangerous for children. Tomorrow is the last day to purchase tickets for $8. Get yours today from your favorite cast or crew member or online at    – T. Lloyd


Fire Safety Announcement: Close the door!

1.A closed door is one of the best pieces of firefighting and lifesaving equipment. It can:

reduce fire growth, spread, and Limit damage to your home.

  1. If you have to leave a room that is on fire, simply closing the door behind you can be the best decision you make.

3.Close the bedroom door when sleeping.

  1. Close doors behind you when escaping a room or building that is on fire.

5.Keep fire doors closed. Never wedge, disable, or prop open fire doors in any building.    – V. Viruet


Juniors and Seniors can walk to the First United Methodist Church every Thursday to eat lunch. The price is $4. We look forward to seeing you!






The tradition continues. It’s time for the Senior Shirt Design Contest—the shirt that every senior gets to sign. Please submit your designs for the Class of 2025 Senior Shirt to Mrs. Ledden in Room CS347 by Thursday, September 19. You do not have to be a senior to submit designs for the shirt—open to all grade levels.  We need a front shirt design and a back shirt design.  Each of these designs is a separate “contest”.  Prizes for each contest are as follows:  Front – $25; Back – $25. (That’s $50 if you win both!)  Be sure to incorporate ORHS, Seniors, and Class of 2025 into your drawings.  Place your name and first period teacher’s name on the back of each design entry.  Entries must be original work and if selected, will become the property of Oak Ridge High School. (The selection committee reserves the right to combine two or more designs in which case each person will receive prize money.)  – T. Ledden


Seniors – a rep from Maryville College will be in the Counseling Office immediately after school today!  Every meeting with a college rep looks good with your application to college.  – A. O’Rourke


On Friday, Rhodes University is hosting a virtual visit for our students at 3:10pm.  If you’d like to visit with the Rhodes University representative you can get the link from Ms. O’Rourke in the Counseling Office.  – A. O’Rourke




It’s time for the Dungeons and Dragons Club!  Join us every Friday from 3:15 to 4:30 PM in CS329 (Dr. Denisar’s Legendary Lounge) for an epic journey filled with magic, mystery, and mayhem! Whether you’re a seasoned dungeon master or a curious newbie, there’s a place for you in our grand quest.  -E. Denisar


The ORHS AVID/Wildcat Scholars will have their first family night on Tuesday, September 10 from 6:00-7:30 P.M. If you are an AVID/Wildcat Scholars student, please come out and bring your family! We will start in the food court and then move to the amphitheater. We look forward to seeing you there! – J. Schoolcraft


Hola! Spanish Club will meet on Monday September 9th after school, come and help decorate the bulletin board outside the library for Hispanic Heritage month. -E. Franco


The Interact Club will meet Monday, 9/9/24 after school until 4pm in the amphitheater.  The club will be making fleece blankets for people in our community.  If you need a club permission slip, pick one up in the counseling office.  – A. King


Tomorrow is pickle day!  Pickleball Club meets tomorrow and every Friday.  Come out to the high school courts from 3:30-4:30 to get your pickle on.  Bring your equipment if you’ve got it and be prepared to battle (don’t worry if you don’t have your own – sharing is caring).  Permission slips are available from Froning, Jarnigan, or Kolodney – just return it to a sponsor or bring it to the next Friday of action.  See you on the courts!  – D. Kolodney








9/5/24 Th Golf Farragut / Bearden OR CC 4:30
9/5/24 Th Soc G Livingston Academy  V Home 7:00
9/5/24 Th Volleyball Karns Home 5:00 / 6:00
9/6/24 F Ftbl – V Powell Away 7:00
9/7/24 Sa XC Norris Dam Norris