Monday, February 24, 2025

Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin




Auditions for the 2025-26 Select Choir and Ensemble will be held from March 3-7.  See or email Ms. Ragan at for information.  Sign up sheets for audition times are on the chorus room door. (A. Ragan)


The sun is shining, it’s getting warmer and the streets are dry- what does that mean? It’s time to ride motorcycles! We’ll also need a place to park them, so come to Motorcycle Club tomorrow during lunch in the Library Classroom. We’ll be meeting with representatives from the central office to discuss our parking plans. Bring your lunch. Cookies will be provided! See Ms Fairfax in LC 210 to sign up or ask questions. (E. Fairfax)


THE ADDAMS FAMILY, a comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family performs THIS weekend, right here on the ORHS stage! Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a  “normal” boyfriend. Everything will change on this One Normal Night. With performances this Friday and Saturday at 7 pm, and Saturday and Sunday at 2 pm, come see what it means TO BE AN ADDAMS! Tickets are $15 at the door or online at


The Spring AP payment window is now open and will close March 1st at 11:59pm for all students enrolled in an AP course. This year all AP exams are $101 each except for AP Seminar and Research exams which are $149 each.  If you’re taking 3 or more exams your 4th and all subsequent exams are $40 each.  If you qualify for free or reduced lunch your exams are $15 each.  If that is you, please contact to verify your status and receive your code before registering.  The link to pay is


Any students interested in participating in Work-Based Learning in Business, Welding, Information Technology, or STEM for 2025-2026 should attend the mandatory meeting after school on Wednesday, March 5, in room CS347 with Mrs. Ledden to begin the application process and to learn the specifics of the program.


Attention all 9th – 11th graders, You may now access registration information for the 2025-2026 school year on your grade level Canvas page.

You will receive your registration form in 1st period by Friday, February 14th. Complete this form with your parent/guardian. You will be able to self-select your courses in Skyward February 24th – February 28th. Course selection must be complete in Skyward by February 28th! You will be called to the Amphitheater to meet with your counselor during the week of March 3rd – March 7th to review your course selections. You must turn in your signed registration sheet to your counselor at that time. Be sure to refer to your grade level Canvas page for more detailed information. This information has also been shared via Parent Square.






District Championship games will be played Monday and Tuesday of next week  @  KARNS.



REGION GAMES begin next week   2/28  See info below.  We could possibly be hosting all games beginning February 28 here @ ORHS until the State Tournament.





The 2025 Oak Ridge Football Tryout will be March 6th from 3:30 to 5:00 at ORHS. For any questions please contact Coach Rang at