Thursday, September 12, 2024

Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin





Come see Masquers production of Puffs TONIGHT at 7pm or on Saturday at 7pm or on Sunday at 2pm. The New York Times proclaims Puffs “A fast-paced romp through the ‘Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic.’” This “hilariously heartfelt!” and epic journey takes the classic story to new places and re-imagines what a boy wizard hero can be. Tickets are available for $10 at the door or online at Lloyd


Would you like to help plan Prom 2025? The ORHS Prom Board is open to all students Freshmen- Seniors who would like to share ideas and work together to make decisions regarding the prom theme, poster designs, decorations, save the dates, songs for the DJ and more! If you be interested in joining Prom Board 2025 please pick up a petition and permission form from Ms. Theele in VA 102 or Ms. Eidam Dyer in LC 313.


Nominations for Homecoming Court are today, Thursday, Sept 12 from 8am-2pm. All Seniors are eligible to nominate, and the top five boys and girls form the court. Those on the court will be announced at the end of the school day. King and Queen Elections will be held on Friday, September 27th. –A. Wagner


Homecoming Dance tickets will be on sale in the cafeteria during lunch starting Monday, September 16. Tickets will be sold through September 27 or until sold out.  Tickets are $25.  Only ORHS students may attend.  — P. Taylor


Students, Because of the enduring crumbs, trash, and spills, we will no longer allow food of any kind in the library. – C. Milloway



Listen everybody!  Are you interested in living overseas next summer?

Are you open to hosting an exchange student in your home?  Did you take German for 3 semesters? Then this opportunity is just for you!  Oak Ridge High School has a brand new student exchange for the year 2025. It is organized by “The Friendship Connection, Inc.”. You will host a German student in your home for three weeks in the spring and you will live with that student in Germany in the summer of 2025.  Everybody who had two years of German and is taking German 3 in the spring or who already had at least three semesters of German in the past can sign-up for this opportunity. Students who already participated in the GAPP-exchange this year are also eligible for this exchange.

Sign-up before October 31st, 2024.  For more information, please come to Mrs. Nebenfuehr’s room CS301 or email    –S. Nebenfuehr







Bonjour! French Club will meet today, Thursday, September 12th from 3:15-4 PM in CS 312, Madame Pryfogle’s room, to learn about and sample French cheeses! Merci!  — E. Barry


FBLA will meet after school on Wednesday, September 18, in CS347. Student with an interest in Business are encouraged to join. Please bring $18 for dues if you haven’t already paid. Exciting activities are already being planned. –T. Ledden


German Club will meet today, Thursday, September 12th, after school in Mrs. Nebenfuehr’s classroom CS301 at 3:15. Everyone interested is welcome. Come and meet other students and enjoy your conversations.  Cake, games and more will be provided! – S. Nebenfuehr



REMINDER today is the school wide student council meeting. Representatives, make sure to bring your concern forms! – A. Wagner




Tomorrow is pickle day!  Pickleball Club meets tomorrow and every Friday.  Come out to the high school courts from 3:30-4:30 to get your pickle on.  Bring your equipment if you’ve got it and be prepared to battle (don’t worry if you don’t have your own – sharing is caring).  Permission slips are available from Froning, Jarnigan, or Kolodney – just return it to a sponsor or bring it to the next Friday of action.  See you on the courts!  – D. Kolodney








9/12/24 Th Golf CAK / Maryville OR CC 4:30  
9/12/24 Th Soc G Halls  V Home 7:00 Senior Night
9/12/24 Th Volleyball Powell Away 5:00 / 6:00  
9/13-9/14 F-Sa XC Sourthern Showcase Huntsville, AL    
9/13/24 F Ftbl – V Karns Home 7:00  
9/13-9/14 F-Sa Volleyball Border Battle Tournament Away TBD Nashville