Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin





Come see Masquers’ production of Puffs this Thursday or Saturday at 7pm or Sunday at 2pm. The New York Times proclaims Puffs “A fast-paced romp through the ‘Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic.’” This “hilariously heartfelt!” and epic journey takes the classic story to new places and re-imagines what a boy wizard hero can be. Tickets are available for $10 at the door or online at orhsmasquers.booktix.com. -T. Lloyd


Would you like to help plan Prom 2025? The ORHS Prom Board is open to all students Freshmen- Seniors who would like to share ideas and work together to make decisions regarding the prom theme, poster designs, decorations, save the dates, songs for the DJ and more! If you be interested in joining Prom Board 2025 please pick up a petition and permission form from Ms. Theele in VA 102 or Ms. Eidam Dyer in LC 313.


Nominations for Homecoming Court are this Thursday, Sept 12 from 8am-2pm. All Seniors are eligible to nominate, and the top five boys and girls form the court. Those on the court will be announced at the end of the school day. King and Queen Elections will be held on Friday, September 27th. –A. Wagner


Seniors: Encourage your artist friends to submit designs for the Class of 2025 Senior Shirt to Mrs. Ledden in Room CS347 by Thursday, September 19. You do NOT have to be a senior to submit designs for the shirt—open to all grade levels.

We need a front shirt design and a back shirt design. Prizes:  Front – $25; Back – $25. (That’s $50 if you win both!) Be sure to incorporate ORHS, Seniors, and Class of 2025 into your drawings. See Mrs. Ledden if you would like to see designs from previous years.  – T.Ledden


Immediately after school today a representative from Salve Regina University will be in the Counseling Office.  Stop by and see what their school has to offer!  –A. O’Rourke








The ORHS AVID/Wildcat Scholars will have their first family night on Tuesday, September 10 from 6:00-7:30 P.M. If you are an AVID/Wildcat Scholars student, please come out and bring your family! We will start in the food court and then move to the amphitheater. We look forward to seeing you there! – J. Schoolcraft


Do you like learning about and celebrating other cultures?  Then join us for our first meeting of International Friends on Tuesday, September 10th at 3:15 in Sra. Golden’s room, CS 300.  This will be our introductory meeting to organize our plans for the school year.  We would love to see you there!   – J. Golden


Bonjour! French Club will meet Thursday, September 12th from 3:15-4 PM in CS 312, Madame Pryfogle’s room, to learn about and sample French cheeses! Merci!  — E. Barry


Students wanting to join Future Business Leaders of America, please turn in your $18 dues and permission form to participate to Mrs. Ledden by Friday, September 13.


German Club will meet this Thursday, September 12th, after school in Mrs. Nebenfuehr’s classroom CS301 at 3:15. Everyone interested is welcome. Come and meet other students and enjoy your conversations.  Cake, games and more will be provided! – S. Nebenfuehr



This Thursday, September 12th will be our first School Wide Student council meeting, during fourth period! Representatives will be chosen today in your 4th period class. If you are interested in being a voice for the school community, we encourage you to run for class representative. Make sure to fill out your concern forms before the meeting on Thursday. – A. Wagner








9/10/24 Tu Golf FBA / Kingston 3 Ridges 4:30  
9/10/24 Tu Soc G Karns V Home 7:00  
9/10/24 Tu Volleyball Campbell County Home 5:00 / 6:00 Changed from A to H
9/11/24 W Soc G Maryville   JV Only Away 5:00 Added 8/28/24