Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin








If you are interested in learning more about Christianity, join the Youth for Christ Club.  First meeting for Youth for Christ will be Monday August 31st right after school to about 4pm in LC 215. (Tu,W,F,M 8/1) V. Moreno


Masquers, the ORHS Theatre Club, is starting their season off on Thursday, July 27th with an informational meeting from: 3:30-4:30 in the amphitheater across from the guidance office. If you are interested in being a part of Masquers in any way at any time during the 2023-24 school year – on or off stage – you must come to this meeting. You will learn all the ways you can get involved, about the audition workshop on Friday, July 28th, and about how to sign up for the auditions for the fall play, “Radium Girls.” For more information email masquers@ortn.edu.  (M-Tu 7/25) M. Lloyd








If a student wishes to try to change a class, they MUST fill out the online schedule change form (which they can access through their class canvas pages and QR codes that we’ll have posted with the Counselors).   AFTER they have filled out the online form they can come to the Amphitheater Monday – Friday (7/24-28) during the period that they want to change, and the Counselors will meet with them.

**If a student has a period where they do not have a class on their schedule, the student will come to the Amphitheater during THAT period and meet with their Counselor to get their schedule fixed.

**Any questions should go to Ms. O’Rourke for help. (Tu-Th 7/27) A. O’Rourke