Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin


MONDAY 2/19 is Computer Inspection Day! Students need to bring computer, charger, case, and stylus. We will be on an Assembly Schedule MONDAY.

Students who plan to take an AP Exam this spring must register via a Google Form found on the ORHS website. The registration window will close on Thursday, February 15th. Students must register for all exams they plan to take at one time. After registration, students will receive a confirmation email at their email address showing the exams for which they registered, the fee owed, and payment instructions. There will also be a link to a form where students can edit their initial response in case they need to make changes. . (2/9-2/15) – A. Roberts

The ASAP Ambassadors are continuing to celebrate “It’s Quittin’ Time in Tennessee” this week where we applaud Tennesseans who have quit using tobacco products and inspire others to join them. If you or someone you know needs help to quit smoking or using other tobacco products call 1-800-QUIT NOW, visit or ask your school counselor for a tobacco quit kit. (2.14) J. Laurendine

February showers bring March flowers, but what do March flowers bring? The end of the third term! Make your grades blossom with free NHS tutoring from Chloe Bales and Mary Liz Bell on Thursday from 3:15 to 3:50 in the Counselling Center. (Th, 2.15) – K. Senter

Yearbook is in need of photos of students trying on prom dresses and tuxes and promposals. Please send any pics you have to to be featured in this year’s Oak Log! (W 2.14) – R. Byrd

There are still spaces available for girls interested in going to Y-12 New Hope Center on a field trip, February, 22nd, for an Introduction into Engineering. Last day to sign up has been extended to this Friday, February, 17th. You can pick up a permission form from your Science or Math Teacher. Also available in Student Services. (2/15) – C. Wilson

Students that have registered to take the AMC-10B and the AMC-12B Math test on Thursday, February 16th, Should report to their testing locations at 7:45 am. You only need to bring pencils. The test will be during 1st and 2nd periods.

Please check last name locations. A change was made. Lists are posted in the math department, LC-326, and by the Amphitheatre.

10 B students with last names beginning with A –J will meet in LC-326

10 B students with last names beginning with K – Z will meet in the Amphitheatre

ALL 12 B students report to the Amphitheatre.           (2/12-2/16) – J. Zimprich

The Business Academy Co-op and Virtual Enterprise class mandatory informational meeting for 2018-2019 will be held after school tomorrow for those who could not attend Tuesday. The meeting begins at 3:15 in room CS347. Plan to stay 45 minutes to an hour. You may not interview for Co-op or VE until you attend a meeting. If you are unable to attend tomorrow, please see Mrs. Ledden to schedule a make-up meeting.. (W 2.14) – T. Ledden


In the summer of 1944, a massive explosion at the Port Chicago Navy base in San Francisco, California, killed 320 servicemen and wounded hundreds of others, many of whom were African American. This disaster turned into the largest mutiny trial in American Naval history when 258 African American sailors refused to return to work until safety procedures and training could be addressed. Come to the library to learn more about the “Port Chicago 50” and other African Americans in times of war as we celebrate Black History Month. (W 2.14) – C. Milloway


SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY – The Spirit of Compassion Scholarship is offered to a ORHS senior who has best demonstrated an unconditional love and a spirit of compassion for the people of their community. The application period is February 14th through April 14th. Each applicant should provide a one page letter that details the activities they have done over the past 24 months to put their love and compassion into action in their community. They will write one short paragraph on why they have shown love and compassion to others. The scholarship will be for $500 and given as a check along with a certificate to the winner. There are no restrictions on what the scholarship can be used for. Applications should be turned in to Ms. Redman in the school counseling office by April 14th.. (F – 2.16) P. Redman


Mu Alpha Theta Math Club will meet Friday after school in Mrs. Mullins’ room. Club members, please wear your State Convention t-shirts for a Club picture for the yearbook. Also, if you are not a member, it is never too late to join us! This week will include question writing and planning for the upcoming Mini Mu for middle school students. (Th 2.15) – K. Mullins

Please join FCA on Friday morning at 7am at Providence House for food, fellowship, and music by ORHS alum Thomas Cox. (Th 2.15) – B. Byrd


Date Day Sport Opponent Location Time

Lady Wildcats will play in the District Tournament on Friday @ 4:00   at Halls High School

Wildcats will play in the District Tournament on Friday @ 8:30   at Halls High School