Monday, February 27, 2017

Oak Ridge High School Daily Bulletin


Students, this is very a very important announcement! A breach in security occurred last week when a student propped open the Wildcat Arena doors with a rock. This allowed two individuals who were not ORHS students to enter the building. Upon their entrance, they proceeded to roam around our facility and make their way to the locker room area where one of our facilities was ransacked and multiple individuals had their personal belongings stolen. PLEASE BE ADVISED, ANYONE propping a door with a rock, the rug, or any object which compromises the security of our building will receive an out of school suspension. In addition, students are not bringing their ID badge to school each day. This is also a hindrance to our security. Lunch detentions will be assigned to individuals who do not have their badge on their person. Random badge checks will begin on Tuesday! (2/28-3/10) – M. McDonald


Pre-orders for tickets for Prom 2018, A Night in Wonderland, will go on sale Monday March 6th-Friday March 10th in the Arena Kiosk during lunch. The cost for pre-orders is $30 for singles and $60 for couples. If you wait until the week of prom, the tickets will increase to $40 for singles and $80 for couples. If you have any questions please see Ms. Eidam in room LC313. (M,W 2/20-3/5) – S. Eidam


154 years ago, Bishop Daniel Payne was chosen to be the President of Wilberforce University in Ohio.  The election, held just months after the Emancipation Proclamation,  made him the first black president of a university in America.  Last March, John King Jr. was nominated and confirmed as only the second black United States Secretary of Education where he served nearly a year in office.  Bishop Payne broke the color barrier so that others could follow in his footsteps.  Who will inspire the next generation?  Find out at the library as they honor Black History month – Celebrating History, Inspiring the Future. (2/27) – C. Milloway


The answer to Friday’s trivia question is: Mrs. Coretta Scott King. She was the first woman to preach at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Today’s trivia question is: What former African American ORHS teacher was the director of the SECME program when it was selected by the United States Congressional Black Caucus as one of 30 exemplary programs in the nation? Write your answer, along with your name, on a piece of paper and bring it to Dr. Colquitt in CS 235 by the end of 5th period today. (2/27) – R. Colquitt


Do you like ice skating, trampolines, gymnastics, movies, pizza, bowling, Frisbee, singing and hanging out with about 80 other crazy high school students who like to do the same things?  Well, check out Young Life Late Night, ‘cause you can do ALL of those things in one night!  Late Night is all night Friday, March 3 through Saturday morning.  If you are interested, please see Mrs. Mullins or Mr. Jackson for an informational flyer and registration form.  Spots are limited, so get hurry to reserve your space on that bus! (2/24, 2/27) – K. Mullins


Attention students: If you have any pictures of parking lot ridiculousness that has gone on this school year (such as kids on scooters, Brinkman directing traffic, or any other deliberate silliness), please email them to for the yearbook.  That’s  Your picture could be featured on a spread—so make sure to include your name! (2/24-2/27) – R. Byrd


Students are reminded that Faculty parking is intended for Faculty Only.  This includes the Turnpike parking lot, Arena parking lot and the parking area in front of portable buildings. Warnings will be issued to violators. (2/27-3/3) – S. Herrell




Please check the ORHS Counseling page to learn about new Scholarship opportunities and keep up with deadlines! You can find the scholarship information by going to You will then locate the link to the Counseling page underneath the Academics tab. As always, if you have any questions feel free to stop by the Counseling Office. (2/15-3/15, MW) – A. Morris


Do you like German? Then come to the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft! Our next meeting is Monday, February 27th  in room CS 304 at  3:15. We are going to discuss fundraising options, have fun and order our Club-T-shirts! (2/23-2/27) – S. Nebenfuehr

Would you like to be a class or student council officer? If so, come to the leadership breakfast on Wednesday, March 1 at 7:15. It will be held in Mrs. Homan’s Room, CS 227. This meeting is mandatory for all those who want to run for office. Please see Mrs. Haynes or Mrs. Homan if you have any conflicts. (2/23-2/28) – H. Haynes

The Harry Potter Club will meet on Monday, March 27 in Mrs. Mullins’ room, CS231.  Topics of discussion will include herbology and the creatures of the Forbidden Forest.  It’s spring…time to think of nature and its abundance! (2/24-2/27) – K. Mullins