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Oak Ridge Schools Meals Hero, Jenn Taylor

Team No Kid Hungry Tennessee is taking time to thank our school meals heroes, including our own food service director in Oak Ridge Schools, Jennifer Taylor. In their letter to Oak Ridge Schools, they stated,  “We would like to take this opportunity to celebrate our incredible school nutrition staff and their commitment to ensuring that […]

2021-06-21T10:09:00-04:00June 21st, 2021|District News|

Comcast Emergency Benefits

As part of an ongoing commitment to digital equity, Comcast is proud to support the Federal Government’s Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program, which is a temporary program that provides qualifying low-income consumers with a subsidy to help cover the cost of their Internet service and leased Internet equipment. This temporary benefit can be applied to […]

2021-05-27T16:50:27-04:00May 27th, 2021|District News|

Market to Go

Market-To-Go is a CARES act funded COVID relief project that was popular as a safety measure at the Winter Farmers’ Market. Because participants were satisfied with the project, it will continue into the summer during the main season. We hope that families will discover that MTG is a convenient way to get healthy, local food. […]

2021-04-30T06:22:39-04:00April 30th, 2021|District News|

District Teacher and Teacher Assistant of the Year

Earlier in the week, we announced our school-level teachers and teach assistants of the year. In Oak Ridge Schools, we like to recognize outstanding educators because they care about children and devote their professional lives to enriching the lives of our students. This year, we would like to congratulate one district-level teacher (Erica Hixson) and […]

2021-01-31T13:37:26-05:00January 31st, 2021|District News|

Teachers and Teacher Assistants of the Year

Congratulations to Oak Ridge Schools Teachers of the Year

The Teacher of the Year program recognizes and honors outstanding teachers in Tennessee. The Tennessee Department of Education staff applauds teachers who care about children, who devote their professional lives to enriching the lives of Tennessee students, and who demonstrate […]
2021-01-27T18:19:29-05:00January 27th, 2021|District News|

Congratulations to Jefferson, Robertsville, and Linden on STEM Recertification

Congratulations to Jefferson Middle School, Robertsville Middle School, and Linden Elementary School, who are among the first cohort of schools in the nation to undergo a rigorous internal and external review process to maintain the prestigious Cognia STEM certification.  This certification was first earned five years ago through a rigorous process with this same entity, […]

2020-12-17T11:26:47-05:00December 16th, 2020|District News|

65th Anniversary Art and Poetry Competition

A Visual Art and Poetry Competition/Exhibition will commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Historic Oak Ridge School Desegregation by the Oak Ridge/Scarboro 85. The competition theme is “Honoring the Struggle, Celebrating the Triumphs, and Inspiring the Future.” The program is open for students in all grade bands (K-4, 5-8, and 9-12). Entry forms are available […]

2020-12-10T15:58:35-05:00December 10th, 2020|District News|

Substitute Teacher Bonus Pay

We have great news for those who enjoy working with our students as substitute teachers. The Oak Ridge Schools human resources department personnel have announced that we are now offering bonus pay based on the number of days worked in our schools. See the pay schedule below. We would love to have you come to […]

2020-11-04T16:47:13-05:00November 4th, 2020|District News|
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